019: Charlotte

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Ratings: 10

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Ratings: 10

13 episodes

You will find Charlotte in every recommendations. This anime is one of the most recommended to baby otakus. So yeah, you can say that it is popular.

It's popularity is understandable because first of all it has a cool concept. Second, it has cool characters. Third, it has a cool art style and animation. Lastly, it has mind wrecking twists!

Charlotte has a very good start and I am always looking forward to see the next superpowers or abilities to be introduced, they are all extraordinary. The obstacle that the main character has to face is a heart breaking scene but the late episodes near the ending are the best parts of the anime.

I am craving for season 2 but I think the ending is already enough. There were no loopholes so it is good.  The ending is quite moving asdfghjk.

I love Yuu and Nao together!

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