Chapter 122

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Two minutes ago.

As soon as “Zhang Qiang” went out, Wu Sin was already communicating with Guan Hongshan

He stood at the window and looked at the situation outside, with a relaxed expression.

While talking about communicating with the investigator of the Security Bureau, while watching the situation outside the window.

But while talking…

He saw the two outside the window, who were just called “Lao Chen” by “Zhang Qiang”

The two of them turned out to be a bus!?

“What’s going on!?”

In any case, even if people from the Security Bureau do not drive, they still have to take a taxi after all.

Why did you get on the bus!?

And the prisoner with a scarf on his hands

How can I get on the bus!?

Seeing this scene, there was a bang in Wu Xin’s mind!

He immediately realized that the man had a problem…

Countless clues flooded into Wu Xin’s mind, which made his relaxed face turn red in an instant!

He immediately pressed the button of the intercom: “Close the team! That guy is Lin Ci!”

There is no echo from the intercom…

But Wu Sin knew that he had just let go of Lin Ci

Those details were impacting Wu Sin’s brain like waves.

He vaguely realized…

This may be the closest opportunity for their solvers to Lin Ci!

However, he just let him go by himself!

Standing in the cold wind in early April, Guan Hongshan’s expression was extremely different.

The crowd was bustling, and Lin Ci had already disappeared from sight.

At this moment, Guan Hong only felt a heat flow in his forehead!

He grabbed the walkie-talkie, gritted his teeth and asked: “Wu Sin…”

“What exactly is going on!?”

At this time, Wu Sin did not respond to Guan Hongshan’s question at all.

He just asked, “Close the team! Did Lin Ci catch it!?”

Guan Hongshan replied without being angry: “This is still a fart!”

“I just shook hands with him!”

“Didn’t you say that he belongs to the Security Bureau!? How come he has become Lin Ci again!”

Wu Sin was silent for a while, and then said:

“Close Team

“It’s a long story…”

“Let’s talk about it.”

However, in the live broadcast room, countless viewers watched this scene, but they felt extremely expensive.

I thought Lin Ci would have run away long ago, but at this time Wu Sin suddenly said that it was Lin Ci?

“My grass? What the hell is going on? How could that person from the Security Bureau be Lin Ci?”

“Even if Lin Ci can disguise, he still has to rely on makeup? Before Zhang Qiang didn’t use paper on his face

Did you wipe it?”

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