Chapter 15 - Too Many Demons and One Witch

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Jin was apprehensive about the whole situation. On one hand he kind of wanted to bust through the place and kick some demon ass, but he was also a bit reluctant.

He had parked the SUV a little further apart from the warehouse and he was now watching from afar how five guys came outside and looked around with guns in their hands. Demons didn’t show their actual appearance unless they felt threatened or simply wanted to scare their prey even more. When the guy Amelia was shooting turned, he was only ‘attempting’ to intimidate her. When they did turn, however, things complicated even more, considering they were very strong, fast and hard to kill little fuckers.

But they still looked like regular humans, though. Their appearance could trick anyone that didn’t have a good nose. Their scent of rotten flesh was the only thing that gave them away. And female demons, when turned, were bigger, wilder and much more vicious, with a sickening smell of blood in them.

That warehouse, however, reeked of rotten flesh.

“What’s the plan?” Taehyung asked, a little on edge.

Namjoon was still studying the place from afar, with a frown.

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea, but we could try to go inside.” He said after a while, leaning at the front of the car, beside Jin.

Amelia huffed, impatient.

Jin wouldn’t lie, he had definitely underestimated the girl. Even after knowing she was indeed a Witch, and one that had studied under Lucy’s wing, he still had underestimated her. She was stronger than she looked, certainly was way more resilient and cunning. And, hell, he couldn’t believe he was thinking this to himself, but she was better than Yoongi when it came to guns. But, then again, Luna had taught her…

No wonder Amelia had survived two months of torture from demons.

“I wanna go inside.” Emily said, removing her jacket and starting to walk straight for the road to cross it.
Yoongi freaked out then. He jogged up to her in a rush, grabbing her arm.

“Woah, there, Batman! Alone? Are you nuts?” He questioned, a frown set in his brows.

“Well, yeah, none of you bunch of dumbasses are doing anything! I need to know if those were the fuckers that hurt Amelia. And I will get the information I need out of them.” Emily said, her index finger pointing to Yoongi’s chest in challenge and then to the warehouse.

“They’re not.”

When Amelia spoke, all heads turned to her, some of them frowning.

“They’re not the clan who hurt me. These guys are weaker. Back at Luna’s shop it sounded like they just wanted to do a job and get paid. And it seemed whoever showed up at the shop was the reward.” She explained, looking straight to the warehouse.

Emily turned to the warehouse again.

“Well, guess we just need to find out who the fuck hired them!” As she began walking again, Yoongi rushed to catch her again.

“We need a plan, hold your horses! Jin?”

Jin looked over Amelia and then at Emily. His gears were turning in his head, thinking of the best ways to make good use of the fact he had a Witch with him. And a really good one at that.

“Hey, Em?” He called, making her turn her head to him “Remember Italy?”

Emily drew on a little foxy grin.

“Of course I do. That’s how we met.” She replied, crossing her arms.

“Can you do that floor thing you did back then?”

“I can do it better, than what I did back then.”

Taking in consideration that everyone was looking at the two exchange words with a look of pure loss in their faces, Jin finally smirked and straightened.

“Well, we divide into two groups and one of them goes around back. Our goal is to make passage for Emily to reach the middle of the place. Got that?” Everyone nodded before Jin continued “Jungkook, Taehyung, Amelia and Hoseok, you guys go round back and clear most of the way. Emily, me, Yoongi and Namjoon will go up front, get rid of those guys over there first so you guys can round the area.”

Everyone listened carefully while Jin laid out the plan before beginning to scatter as soon as he gave the green light. Amelia had to sit and watch while Emily did her thing at the entrance of the house. Before the demons could even shout for backup, her magic made an appearance as blue chains erupting from the ground and wrapping around their bodies, squeezing and lighting them in flames.

“Damn, that’s so awesome!” Hoseok mumbled, eyes wide as he looked at Emily’s doings.

“You’d never seen something like that?” Amelia asked, a little curious about him.

“I grew up among humans, so I’ve never really had contact with Witches.” He said, smiling a little as he looked at how Emily gestured and the chains began to dissipate after burning the demons’ bodies to ashes.

“Wait until you see what Emily and Mina can do together.” Amelia said, smirking a bit at him when he went wide eyed.


“Oh yeah. They’re twins, they’re powers are basically opposites that complement each other. The end result is pretty cool looking.”

Hoseok smiled wider and then looked over at Amelia, now more curious.

“What does your magic look like?”

Amelia stiffened and set her eyes ahead “Nothing. It looks like nothing.”

To that, the girl got up from where she had been crouching to start going to the back of the warehouse, where Tae was already following. Jungkook pushed Hoseok’s shoulder, giving him a glare.

“What? I didn’t know she would be upset!” Hoseok defended, feeling his heart sink at how Amelia suddenly seemed to shift her mood drastically.

Taehyung reached the back of the warehouse and saw a few more cars there, as well as a small little shed. There was only one other demon outside leaning on one of the cars, smoking absent mindedly. He aimed at the guy, narrowing his eyes, and shot him straight in the head. The perfume of flowers and lemons filled his nostrils and Taehyung had to clear his throat to focus.

“What happened to leaving?” He mumbled, a little annoyed at himself for being so weak at just the simple scent of her.

“Yeah, like I have a say in all of this. If it depended on me I was already out of town, readying myself to die alone.” Amelia bit back, her voice cold and emotionless.

He frowned. She was right, Amelia had barely even had a say in the matter. He couldn’t help but feel like an absolute asshole for being so mean to her.

But her last sentence made him wince. She was dying… he had been so adamant in leaving her to just die in the forest, but now just the shear thought of her getting hurt was making his stomach clench. Amelia would be gone.

She took a look at the small shed, peering at its windows, only to roll her eyes and make a fake gag motion.

“What?” Taehyung asked, curious.

“They have dead bodies there.” The woman answered.

Taehyung repressed a smile at her disgusted look, as she moved to the door of the warehouse now. Jungkook and Hoseok appeared in the corner, both with their guns in hand and placed close to their legs.

“It’s all clear.” Amelia said, opening the door, only to have Jungkook grumble.

“Amelia! God damn it, wait!”

Hoseok snorted, thoroughly amused, while Taehyung had to stop himself from going after Jungkook and Amelia, just to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid. He simply followed the couple a little reluctant.

The door led to a small hallway, very dark and nasty looking. Amelia really wished she wasn’t so powerless now, even her eyes were so weak that she could barely see what was going on. Jungkook took a place beside her, still nervous about her exposing herself this way. Amelia had a little hunch that, as soon as they were back inside the mansion, Jungkook would give her an earful of complaints of how she shouldn’t be putting herself in danger.

Oh, if only he knew.

Loud voices made her shrink and lower her body down to avoid being seen. Jungkook came beside her, his face set in a soft scowl, as he examined the place. The loud talking seemed to be coming from a room that had its door barely closed.

Taehyung nudged Hoseok from behind Amelia and signaled Jungkook that he’d take care of the ones inside that room. Jungkook nodded and softly pulled Amelia to him to move ahead.

“Wait, what about- “

“Hobi and Tae will handle them.” Jungkook interrupted, seeing Amelia get a little restless when noticing the two that stayed behind.

Amelia looked behind to see Taehyung and Hoseok bust through the door, followed by the gunshots and a few yells. She could tell that they had aimed flawlessly at the demons by the fact it was so silent afterwards. However, even if the two vampires had been quick and effective, the yells from the guys on that room must have alerted the others in the warehouse.

“Is it productive if I tell you to stay hidden?” Jungkook asked, engaging his gun as he looked at Amelia while she checked the magazine of hers.

“What do you think?” Amelia deadpanned, raising an eyebrow.

“I think it’ll be a waste of my breath, but, hey, a guy can hope!”

Amelia smiled.

Her lips stretched beautifully into a wide grin, reaching her eyes and having them sparkle with life. It was the most beautiful thing he’d seen in his entire life and he didn’t want it to end. He wanted to keep seeing her like that.

She looked down to her feet, kicking the empty magazine to the side and then looked him the eye. Jungkook could only watch like an idiot.

“Hope harder.” She said, with a little mischievous hint in her voice.

He watched her move slightly forward, her back now turned to him. His instincts were slowly starting to kick in again, wanting to find some way to bond with her, even if that wasn’t entirely possible.

Shouts coming from ahead of him were heard. When Amelia didn’t really move much further and instead decided to stick closer to him, Jungkook couldn’t help but feel a little relieved. She was not entirely reckless, Amelia knew that right now she had no way to defend herself besides the gun in her hands and a few hand to hand combat skills, so might as well stick close to the very strong vampire beside her.

“What in the fuck?! How did these two get in here?” One demon said, his face scrunching up in distaste when his jet black eyes found Amelia and Jungkook.

As he started to holler for help, Jungkook was fast to run to him and punch him straight in the face, while Amelia got into a steady stance, aiming the barrel of the Glock up to where the guy had yelled towards.

Jungkook was getting up from the pile of ashes that formed on the ground when six bulky guys appeared in the doorway, probably alerted by the yelling the previous guy.

Hell broke loose then.

Much like Yoongi had said, Jungkook was the more brute force kind of person. He had a gun, yes, but he preferred to use his fists, or even going as far as to use the handle of the gun to hit the guys even harder. And he would then shoot when the guy was already down, simply to finish the job.

Amelia tried to concentrate on the task at hand and aimed at one guy that was about to hit Jungkook from behind, shooting straight to the head.

Taehyung and Hoseok caught up to them when Amelia was finished shooting at a third demon.

“We didn’t find anything in that last room.” Hoseok said, walking to her.

To be quite honest, Amelia didn’t even know what she was looking for. It had occurred to her that, somehow, the book she had stolen from Lucy would be in these guys’ possession. It didn’t really make sense, but it was an option. She had no idea where the book was and just the thought of demons having the spell book in their hands made a shiver wash through her.

Amelia opened her mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by a very loud explosion like sound. It almost made the whole place shake, Hoseok having to steady her when Amelia hunched over in a startle.

“The hell was that?!” Taehyung said, a little shaken up.


Amelia shivered at what could’ve had happened to the Witch, starting to move to the doorway where the demons had come from and then running at a sprint, dreading to know what she would find. Promptly ignoring Jungkook and Hoseok’s shouts and cries for her, she ran up a little hallway, where an office was. Amelia barely looked over, continuing to run over to the main wide area of the warehouse.

Her heart almost fell to her stomach when she saw that Emily was in full control of her powers, using the same spell she had used outside. The flaming hot flames could only surround a few demons at a time, however, so Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi were struggling to cover her from their standpoints.

At this point, Amelia had no clue where this energy was coming from. She had felt her fevers spike up in the car, way before they had started being followed. Maybe it was the adrenaline kicking in, but even the pain in her chest had been pushed aside.

“Amelia, what the fuck, don’t run off like- “ Jungkook yelled from behind her.

“Never mind that! I’ll flank her left.”

That being said, Amelia aimed at the demons that were currently shooting at Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi. She heard Jungkook curse some more and then more gunshots were heard when the three vampires behind her began to shoot as well.

By now, her ears were an absolute mess, the noises and shouts mingling with each other as she moved slowly, aiming and pushing the trigger while walking.

She was about to reach Yoongi. And just in time…

“Damn it, I’m out!” Amelia yelled, taking cover with the guy.

Yoongi smirked when he saw her ducking over the little iron container he was hiding under.

“Well, well, what do I owe the pleasure?” He mocked, panting a little.

Amelia released the magazine from the gun, showing him the empty case.

“Worry not, witchy, I brought reinforcements!” When he said that, Yoongi pulled the same shotgun from the car and Amelia almost beamed “I figured you’d like a second date.”

She smiled, reaching for the weapon and already starting to engage it.


“Woo, look at that! I think it’s the first time I’ve seen you smile. I should show you more guns, you look happy.” Yoongi joked, raising from his place to aim and shoot three times before ducking back down “You know, this is a freaking warehouse, where are these motherfuckers popping out from?”

“I need you to do me a favor.” When Yoongi looked down at her, Amelia continued “I’m about to do something really stupid in the eyes of Jungkook, but trust me, me and Emily know what we’re doing. I need you to cover me while I go reach her in the center of the room.”

“Not too long ago you said that you wanted me to ask Em out and now you’re writing my death sentence?”

“Oh, you’ll ask her out, don’t worry! And if you think she’s hot now, wait till you see what she can do.” Amelia grinned when Yoongi went a little red, without knowing what to do.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head in disbelief.

“I’m about to die, man… Fine! Go right ahead. I’ll warn Joon and Jin.” Yoongi finally complied, handing her two full boxes of ammo that Amelia placed inside her jacket.

Amelia sneaked a little peak at the scene ahead.

Jungkook and Taehyung were having a bit of a hard time fighting off a full sized, recently transformed demon. The creature was nearly double their size and the bat like wings only complicated things by whirling around, attempting to hit the two vampires. Hoseok had reached Jin and was now ducked under a container as well, on the far side of the area, taking turns shooting the demons. Namjoon was nowhere in sight, but she was able to hear a loud curse a few meters ahead of her. Yeah, he was fine.

Emily was still trying to contain the demons, bringing forth sizzling blue flames, tall and mighty. The Witch was moving swiftly, but having extreme difficulty. There were too many near her.

Amelia winced when two more demons began to turn. Emily would never be able to focus on the ritual like this…

“Now!” Amelia shouted, getting up and making way to where Emily was, aiming loosely.

Behind her, Yoongi shouted something she couldn’t make out, her focus now solely on Emily.

“Em!” Amelia called loudly, her voice stronger than it had ever been ever since waking up at Jin’s mansion “Ritual, now!”

From the corner of her eye, Amelia was able to see Jungkook grow alarmed at her exposed the way she was. She did her best to put it aside while she ran up to Emily, now at the center of the room. Emily positioned herself behind Amelia, backs turned to each other as the brunette Witch began to gesture and breathe out the chants of the ritual.

Amelia shot a few more times, with Emily now kneeling, hands grounded on the floor. Probably sensing the amount of magic erupting from Emily, the demons all began to morph into their real shape, some bigger in size. A loud curse was heard somewhere in the room, most likely from Yoongi, when the demons all transformed. The ritual was still halfway through and this was already getting complicated, huh?

Amelia went through the process of shooting off the smaller guys, knowing it would take a whole lot of magic for the bigger fuckers to go over. Magic that Emily was now providing.

Beneath the two women, a circle of symbols came forth, glowing like Emily’s blue flare. There was a rush of heat surging through Amelia’s body when a wave of power flowed around the two of them, forming the protective barrier around the maker of ritual maker. Turning around, Amelia saw Emily’s glowing eyes roll to the back of her skull, head falling back in trance as the ritual finally completed and a stronger wave of magic surged.

Amelia grinned when she saw the large, flaming chains erupt from the ground and begin enveloping every single demon, burning through their skin. The room that had once been filled with gunshots and yells was now flooding with screeches of the burning demons around the place. All six brothers came out of their hiding place, all of them a little stupefied.

When the last creature was finally a pile of ashes, Amelia expected to see Emily slow down the ritual… Only the Witch was still out of it.

“Em?” She called, getting no answer back from her “Em, pull out!”

Feeling a little panicky, Amelia dropped the shotgun and circled Emily, kneeling in front of her.

“Emily! It’s done, pull out of it!” She yelled, shaking one of Emily’s shoulders.

Amelia lost all composure when she saw a little trail of blood run down Emily’s nose. Scrunching up her nose, Amelia straightened, her left hand fisting a handful of Emily’s blouse and the right hand lifting up in the air. Her fingers sliced the air and hit Emily’s cheek harshly, head snapping to the side with the momentum. But it was all it took to make it stop. Emily’s eyes returned to their soft blue and her senses came back.

She gasped, body slightly limp as she sagged and took in a few deep breaths.

“Hey, hey! You okay?” Amelia took the girl’s face in her hands, feeling her extremely cold.

Jin jogged up to both of them, concern in his face.

“She alright?” He asked, crouching down to her level as well.

All the other vampires began to surround them as well, Yoongi looking a little fidgety.

“I think she just used too much energy. Em? Can you wiggle your fingers?” Amelia looked down at the girl’s hands, waiting for movement “C’mon, girl, wiggle them fingeys!”

Instantly there was a reaction from her when Emily let out a breathy laugh and wiggled her fingers softly. Amelia looked at her eyes again, with Emily smiling goofily.

“Hi.” She said, closing her eyes for a second.

There were a few chuckles from the guys, Yoongi almost sagging in relief and kneeling as well so he could be level with her.

“What happened, exactly?” He asked, his fingers almost tingling to touch her.

“It was too much…” Emily paused and took some deep breaths again “I lost control of it for a second.”

“That’s okay! You’re fine, now.” Amelia said, rubbing her thumbs over Em’s cheeks.

“You’re hands feel like heaven, but I’m sucking up energy from you.” Emily mumbled, closing her eyes and drawing the hint of a smile again.

“Right, I’m not the best person to be helping you out right now.” Amelia replied, retrieving her hands.

“What? What do you mean?” Hoseok rushed, a little scared when he saw Emily slump back on the floor.

Jin took over, his hand coming to rest at Emily’s cheek “It’s how she heals. Touch.”

Amelia got up and was about to explain further what that meant when a presence in the warehouse made her skin crawl. She looked towards the hallway where she had come from when looking for Emily, a small feeling of dread crawling up to her throat.

“Amelia, everything alright?” Jin asked from behind her.

“I’ll be right back.”

With that, Amelia took off and went straight for the hallway, remembering the office she had passed when running through there.

Jungkook watched her walk firmly to the hall, a little concerned. For some reason, he wasn’t so uptight anymore. Amelia could take care of herself, that was for sure. Of course, she was sick and, according to what Mina had explained to him, decaying slowly from the inside out. But she was not some lady in distress, much less one that needed supervision. Her aiming skills could even be better than Yoongi’s.
Yoongi moved slowly so he was kneeling on the ground in front of Emily. She was still pale and taking in tired breaths.

“What did you mean, touch heals her?” He asked Jin who was suddenly frowning and looking towards where Amelia had gone.

“Yeah, her magic feeds on touch, contact with skin from other people.” Jin said, rubbing Emily’s arm “You know what? Why don’t you stay here with her, see if you can take her to the car when she’s better. Me and the guys will check for anything to help with Amelia's condition.”

Yoongi smiled and nodded, reaching for Emily’s hand and holding it. He looked at her, to find Emily already reaching for his other hand, only to raise both of his and place them on either side of her neck. Yoongi was a bit flustered for a second, seeing her shudder and sigh in relief.

“Is that better?” Yoongi asked, watching in fascination as Emily’s cheeks began to retrieve color.

“Much better, thank you.” She panted, closing her eyes and softly slumping down so she was close to his body as well.

This was heaven, right here!

Amelia looked inside the office through the glass window. It was messy and it smelled horribly of rotten flesh. Just as she was about to step inside, Amelia hesitated.

“What are you looking for?”

Looking to her right, Amelia saw Taehyung move towards her, hands in his pockets and an uninterested face. He looked to the office she had been staring at.

“What’s up?”

“I was thinking of checking here.”

“Go in, then.” He nonchalantly walked inside, looking around the place.

Just as he did, though, a strange fear crawled up her throat, slowly making it’s way up , like a spider carefully climbing up her web. Amelia felt her stomach clench horribly, a creeping nausea settling, and she couldn’t help but to reach for Taehyung’s jacket sleeve.

Taehyung frowned and turned to her, finding her terribly pale, brown eyes wide in horror, while sweat was starting to bloom at her temples and her lips parted to paint.

As much as he hated the feeling growing in his chest, the fact she was a Witch and definitely should not be trusted, along with her friends Emily and Mina, Taehyung hated even more how scared she looked. He wanted to pull her out of that place, then, to get her away from everything and everyone so she’d be safe.

He wanted to protect her.

Amelia took a step forward. She could feel the slight recognition of her magic now. It had been there, the softness of her magic swirling in the air and making her chest tight. As soon as she entered the room, the ache in her chest increased and she gasped, almost choking in her own breath as she doubled over and raised her hand to her chest.

“Amelia? What’s wrong?” Taehyung called, coming around her and bending to look at her.

In a haze of panic, Amelia felt his hands pull back her hair so he could look properly at her face. Contrary to his tone to her and his hurtful words, Taehyung’s touch was soft and gentle as he placed one hand on her cheek to check for temperature.

“He was here… He was- ” A fit of cough overwhelmed her and Amelia had to hunch over, hand in her mouth as a wet cough rasped through her throat. There was a sudden taste of iron in her mouth and she only understood what it was when Taehyung cursed and reached inside his jacket to pull out a handkerchief and give it to her.

She looked down at her hand, watching the blood droplets with blurry vision.

“Fuck, you're coughing out blood, now?” Taehyung hissed, using the handkerchief to wipe out the remnants of blood on her bottom lip and hand “Should I call someone- “

Amelia hurriedly shook her head and gripped his wrist.

“Do not tell Jungkook!” She rasped out.

“What? But he- “

“There’s no need… I'll tell him later, it’s probably not that serious, anyway.”

“You’re coughing blood, Amelia!” Tae insisted, concern starting to form in his eyes as he looked at her a little desperate.

“Jungkook is already worried, there’s no need to make it worse.”

Amelia swallowed, the taste of blood still swimming around in her tongue, and slowly got up under the frown of Taehyung, who seemed he was ready to catch her again in case she tipped over. She was too pale and that damn fever was starting to dull her vision again. She had been a big help with those demons out there, but she was still sick.

He had to try his beat to stop staring at her, waiting for something to happen.

“Who were you saying was here?” Taehyung finally asked, diverting his eyes from her and now looking through the papers that were on top of the desk.

“The demon that stole my powers. He was here.”

Taehyung raised his head from the papers and saw her clean her lips again and take in a deep breath.

So the bastard that did this to her was here recently? A blinding rage was beginning to form in his chest, making him want to bare his fangs.

“How do you know?”

“I can feel my powers here. The remnants of my magic are still floating around in the room. And I had the same feeling I had when he… uh.”
She paused, making Taehyung look at her again, waiting for the rest of the explanation. A bad feeling crawled up his spine.

“When he what?”

Amelia cleared her throat and seemed to blush in embarrassment, looking down and fingers shaking while she looked between the papers, pretending to be busy.

“Amelia? What did he do?” Taehyung insisted, starting to grow suspicious of her behavior.

“He tried to… uhm… touch me.”

Her voice was so small that if it wasn’t for Taehyung’s hearing he wouldn’t have heard her. He tried to touch her? He thought he’d heard Jungkook say that Amelia hadn’t been raped? Taehyung suddenly grew furious, a blinding rage clogging up his throat and a deep growl threatening to come out.

Someone had touched her.

“Touch you?” He drawled, fangs now tingling.

“Yes… He tried to rape me, once.” She breathed out, looking down at the papers but not really seeing them “I only managed to get away because I got hold of his knife and stabbed his eye. He beat me and strangled me until I was out, then.”

Taehyung wanted to rip out someone’s throat. Something told him Jungkook had no idea, and if the guy found out he’d be pissed. He didn’t want to trust Amelia, nor any of the twins, but he couldn’t stop how he was starting to feel. He liked her… maybe more than he should. And to know someone had tried to force themselves on her was gnawing at his chest.

It was strange wanting to protect her, to keep her from harm’s way. He wanted to kill the motherfucker that tried to touch her in suck a way. Not only that, he had stolen her very soul from her, her powers. Why he wanted to tear him apart for that Taehyung wasn’t quite sure, seeing his opinion on Witches.

“The next day I tried to get out. I still can’t remember much of what happened that night I managed to run away from them.” She mumbled out.

“We’ll find him.” Taehyung said, attempting to calm down and not to alarm her “We’ll find him and kill the fucker.”

~Sass 😘

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