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AFTER what happened at the café, the three girls decided to leave.

Serina waved goodbye because they're not in the same class; she's a year ahead of them. Walking her way to her class, every step she takes feels like her energy decreases.

She is not falling behind in any of her subjects, but her daily attendance is boring.

Her father's wrath made her resist ditching despite the boring class, requiring significant restraint and her constant effort to pay attention.

Upon entering the classroom, she sat down, leaned back, and gazed directly at the glass board, causing her classmates to stare at her. She ignores the whispers and the stares they always give her.

The class seemed to last forever until the bell rang, signaling that it was time to go home, for some. She consistently leaves late due to her dislike of walking with her classmates.

Upon the conclusion of their class, she enjoys observing the reactions of the entire room.

The hallway is filled with laughter and squealing. Girls discuss where to go after school, such as a café or mall, while boys focus on games and sports.

She often wonders why they are so eager to get home. But she realized that all people have different situation. 

Why is she wondering because she is different? But she can't deny the feelings of envy, longing, and desire for the things she used to have; sure, they had the money to buy everything they wanted, but it's not what she needs.

Since childhood, she has felt a sense of missing something, as she was raised to believe in power and constant dominance.

The sound of her phone snapped her out of her thoughts.

Taking it from her pocket, she opened it to find a message in the strange group chat she never believed she belonged in.

Curiosity got the best of her, so she clicked the notificaton and discovered that a guy had sent a picture of a watch. It's not just any regular watch because it's quite pricey.

"Who in the hell added me to this trash of a group chat?" She didn't pay attention to the irrelevant things they discussed, but the picture of a watch piqued her interest. 


'Oh, is it that arrogant prick again? What a waste of time'


I turned off my phone and started to put my things in my bag. As I left the room, I noticed it was already dark outside. It looks like I spent too much time in my wonderland. The time I checked my phone was already 5:35 p.m.

"Do I really need to go home"

My brothers are the only ones that care, but I'm sure they're both busy, so I'll stay here for a while.

So, where am I going? cafeteria? They probably locked it, the gym was also locked, and I don't enjoy how loud it is there, and the rooftop is also not a good alternative because I don't want to be locked in there.

So, the last place right now is the grass field.

As I walked there, the wind gently brushed through my skin, causing goosebumps that I didn't mind.

The atmosphere is fresh and pleasant due to the absence of distractions such as students blabbing and boys comparing.

I eagerly anticipates silence like this everyday, preferring it over talking. The only sounds will be crickets and the gush of the wind. As I sat on bleachers, I gazed out at the clear night sky and the shining moon.

Looking at it now makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. I like to admire it. It's so far away, yet so near when you stare at it, exactly like my mother's face, her laugh, and her smile.

I've always admired my mother for doing her best to raise us, but now I think she's the moon. I can look but not touch.

"How are you up there mom?" I didn't realize I was already crying.

"It's hard without you here, it hurts," I said, letting out all of the emotions I'd been holding in.

Whenever I go somewhere quiet, I always ask her or, more likely, talk to the air. I don't care if I appear insane; I just needed to let it all out once in a while.

I know she won't or won't be able to respond, but it feels good to express how I actually feel inside.

I take out my phone and start listening to music.

You're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset
She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do

I'm in the room, it's a typical Tues—

"Hey kid, what are you doing here? It's flooding inside the school," stated a security guard, startling me. I didn't realize that he's flashing me the light.

I squinted and took off my headphones.


"There's a flood inside the school."

I frowned, puzzled as to how that could have happened.

He saw my confused face and said "We're going to fix it tomorrow, every area inside is flooded by water"

'What?! No way'

"Every area? So, is the parking area included?" I asked getting anxious. I'm worried about my baby.

"Yes, we saw a big bike there is that—"

I didn't let him finish and started sprinting to the parking lot, not caring if I'd slip or fall face flat, first on the ground. I swear, if it gets soaked, I am going to sue this goddamn school.

Upon reaching the parking lot, I went straight to where I had parked to see my precious one drenched.

You can wash vehicles, but am I really going to come home dripping wet? I'm completely soaked.

"Oh, fucking great!"

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