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She floated inside the dark void, waiting. The last thing she remembered was….well, she didn't really know. So much of her life was blurred together that she had no idea what was last, to be honest.

All she knew was that she had been here. Waiting.

…..for how long?

She didn't know.

Still, she somehow knew that she'd be pulled from the not-quite-death she was in someday. Even if she and him were supposed to have been dead years ago.

Whatever. Marianna Robotnik was legally dead.

Spiritually? No chance.

Damn you, Elise.


...Strange. She felt a tug. Not a physical one, no; she didn't even have a physical body anymore, and barely had a ghostly one at this point. It was more of a feeling at the core of her being. She heard a voice-Elise. Of course the young girl was tied to him too.

"He's back."

She-Maria-called into the void.


"Back where you last saw him. They built something new there. There's a little boy-he's using the robots to try and kill him."

"So what are we going to do, then?"

"I can already come back the way he did. You can disguise yourself as one of the AIs-you'd blend in."

"...This is never going to end, is it?"

"...Good luck."

With that, Maria closed her eyes-ones that actually existed now. With a single thought, she could feel herself bring pulled into the real world again.

Bring me back to where it ended.

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