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A handsome boy just step out of the metro. He was carrying a huge bag in his back. He step out and looked that many of his friends are coming, He was the only Jeon jungkook
Hi i am JK and i just stepped out of the metro because I am going to the soldier colony as a new soldier. I studied to be a doctor but one day changed my whole life and made my faith to be a soldier. You are thinking why? Then hear my story
I was doing my daily practice on a died patient by cutting his organs, but suddenly a boy came running and crying to me and hold my hand and without any explanation he take me to a car. After 10 mins the car stopped in front of a small apartment, then the  boy told me to follow him and I did, then we stop in front of one room.There was laying a fragile body of a boy, he was so beautiful and not less than any angel and I fell in love at first sight. I was so into him that I forget that why the boy take me here, after sometime I saw a hand waving in front of me and I look at the boy who took me to this apartment without any explanation.
Boy -can you hear me? Hey? Hey.?
Jk -hmmm what WHAT!!,!?
Boy -pls save him,(crying)
Jk -why you take me here!?
Boy -he is my friend, I am leeknow and he drink poison. Pls help otherwise he will die.
He went to the boy and started checking him and he saw everything is perfect and tell Lee to search the poision he take.
After 10 min we found a medical bottle consisting of sleeping pills, which was newly opened
Jk-he took sleeping pills
Lee-Now what will happen!!!
I read the instructions of the medicine from the back and get to know that , it was a weak dose and he just took 2 pills , that means he is just sleeping.
Jk -no need to do tention,
Lee- how can you say that, do something otherwise he will die!!
Jk -he is just sleeping
Lee- what?
Jk -he took a very less dose of sleeping pills, so he is just sleeping but then also his body will be very weak for some days and he needed alot of care and make sure he don't do all these nonsense again!.
Jk -but what is his name? And why did he wanted to kill himself?
Lee-oh his name is Kim Taehyung, and  he don't stay here in this apartment , last week he ran away with his boyfriend from his home and today in morning he came to know that his bf has cheated on him and ran away with a girl, so he did all this.
Jk -o O all these love things, ok i understand, now I am taking my leave
Lee -Thanks for your help
Jk-no need that's my duty and take care of him and make sure he return back to his home.
Lee-ok bye
Jk - (what a angelic name "KIM TAEHYUNG")
After 1 month
Jk was laying on his bed and thinking of Tae. In this one month he really wanted to meet Tae once in person and can't  forget him
So he decided that he will visit that apartment once
In evening he went there and knocked the door, he saw leeknow opened the door and
Lee-Mr you are here?
Jk-yes, I came to see that boy
Lee- who? Tae?
Jk-yes yes he
Lee-but he is not here
Jk -then where is he? (Literally shouting)
Lee- His parents took him with them
Jk -o(sad) where he lived?
Lee-why ? Why will I say you?
Jk -it's my duty to know., how my patient is.
Lee -but you said he is fine
Jk -then also!
Lee -?
Jk -can you give me his number?
Lee- Hmm , I can smell love in air
Jk -what are you saying?!
Lee- tell the truth. Do you love him? Otherwise I will not give you
Jk-okay ok yes I LIKE HIM!
Lee-(raised one eyebrow) LIKE?
Lee -okay then copy the number, ***********
Jk- thank you so much,
Lee -by the way be careful of his family!
Jk - why?
Lee- you will know!
Jk -ok bye
Like this night came and he called Tae
In call
Jk- hello?
Tae  hello who?
Jk -hi Tae ,I am Jungkook the doctor who came to help you that day
Tae -oh yes I remember, thank you so much for your help
Jk- no need, by the way I want to tell you something
Tae -yes pls tell
Jk - love you, I LOVE YOU
I fall in love with your first sight pls don't reject me pls
Tae - I will not reject you but I will give you time to prove your love and you can call me every night. Ok
Jk -thank you so much
Tae- ok bye good night
Jk -bye
Jk was very happy then they started to talk every night, like this one month passed then they started to dating until one day Tae's family came to know about it
Tae's appa- how can you do this after your first boyfriend,,? Say! SPEAK!!
Tae-. (Crying) he is a good boy and he really loves me dad
Appa- I don't believe
Tae - he really loves me, and he can do every thing to prove it!
Appa -ok then tell him to prove it by leaving his profession as a doctor and by becoming a soldier, and you can't marry any one other than a soldier ! Do you hear it?!
Appa leaves
Tae- wait! Appa!
Tae break down crying in the floor , that time hobi came, hobi carefully sit in the floor by protecting his pregnant stomach (that time he was pregnant with Nana) and Tae told him everything
Hobi-i think you should tell this to jungkook
Tae just noded
At night he called jk and said everything and also tell that they can run away but jk denied and promised Tae that he will join army and then we will meet Tae's father for Tae's hand, from that day he start preparing to be a soldier , He give the entrance test and  passed the test,then gave the 2nd test from there 25 got selected from 50 but , 16 were taken and he was one of 16 , after one year training he became a soldier
I am in the way of soldier's colony
The car stopped and I entered the colony, some soldiers take us to a feild and we were waiting to get the keys of the rooms , after one hour, some soldiers came with a head soldier
And the head soldier introduced him and his name was Kai
Kai -hi I am really happy to meet you all young bloods I hope  you will help us to protect our country, and here are the keys
We got our keys but Kai said something
Kai -pls after 2 hours meet here in this feild and a introducing talk will happen and i need everyone in TIME! understood?
All-yes sir
Kai -Louder!
All-Yes sir!
Kai -good you all may go
And we all came to our rooms changed our clothes and started running to reach the feild in time, i was running until I saw someone getting stuck in the mud with his bicycle

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