The Best and the Worst day of my life

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I really can't believe what i heard me having a quirk like that ooh im so excited to tell katsuki about this,Mom can you believe that I got a quirk and its a good one,Said by the excited izuku

As Izuku continued bickering about his quirk the mother of the child couldn't help but smile at her sons outgoing behavior

Thats great izuku you can be a hero  like you wanted to be,pls use it to save people and restraint bad guys alright lets go home and cook your favorite katsudon 

Izuku beamed as he heard his mom saying cooking his favorite food and wont pass up to eat katsudon 

And of course you supposed that they will be happy all day long but as they were driving back to their apartment there was a supply truck going straight for them and of course it crashed

As the truck came crashing Inko and izuku has gone unconscious 

As izuku waked up he quickly raised up and felt his head throbbing then it all came back crashing to him

Ug-h what ha-ppened wait........................... MOMM 

As izuku yelled the doctor who came in couldn't help but be frightened but quickly regained his composure and said to izuku

Ah young izuku i supposed you waked up,the doctor said

Wheres my Mom,mister where is my mommm unconsciously using his quirK

woah who young izuku calm down your mom is...your mom i-


As izuku said that the doctor couldn't but feel saddened and finally said the truth 

Your mom... we did all we can to save her but to put it bluntly she is dead and couldn't be saved


Izuku couldn't help but be silenced his mom who loved him dearly is dead and is gone forever
how was he supposed to live without her but before izuku can continue his thoughts someone barged in

His mother's friend mitsuki bakugo and her husband Masaru bakugou and his best friend or you could say brother all but blood Katsuki bakugou came in 

Izuku are u alright,said masuru bakugou


silence,all they heard was silence 

Izuku if u want to talk were here for you,said the mother of his best friend 

Then suddenly katsuki tackled him and asked him with questions fill with concered

Im sorry to interrupt you guys but we have to talk about who would take izuku in and the funeral of Inko midoriya

WHAT DO YOU MEAN FUNERAL OF INKO,Said the surprised and eye filled teared mitsuki bakugou

Unfortunately Inko midoriya did not survive and died


I have to take the answers tomorrow and sorry for your losses

As the doctor leaved that broke the dam for mitsuki

Her best friend died how could that happen,mitsuki did not believe it as someone interrupted her thoughts

Hag can we take izuku in,said the shocked katsuki 

Mitsuki of course wouldn't let her best friend's son be taken to an orphanage agreed

Of course we can take him in would you like that izuku?,questioned the still teary eyed mitsuki

All they heard or more accurately saw was izuku nodding still unresponsive and looking down feeling nothing

Then that's the final and we'll settle Inko's funeral tommorow


Hi guys so this is the chapter as you know this is where izuku starts to be emotionless
it was hard to  fit in bakugous dad but I hoped you guys like it ciao

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