The first meeting

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Anthony slammed the door and heard his father's muffled shouts,
"Get back here! Fucking weak little shit!" Anthony felt tears pour down his bruised cheeks. He started running, soon the shouts were gone and all he could hear was his heartbeat and sobbing, he didn't even look back at the place he knew he would never call home. This was not the first time he had run from him dad, but this time was different, this time he didn't stop running. He ran into a place he had never been before, the forest, people always told the children to stay out of the forest as it was dangerous, but he didn't care.

His family had moved to a small town in Louisiana and apparently according to his parents it's where they would stay for a while, business was apparently great here. He didn't know exactly what the business was but his dad said he would get to be apart of it when he turned 11, right now he was 9 so he still had a little bit of time. The town was small and the people were kind to him, he was going to start his first day in about two weeks and he was quite excited, wondering if he could finally make friends.

He had no idea how long he had been running, it felt like hours, his body was burning, begging for a break. Anthony stopped running and crawled into a large bush, the inside was rather nice, to him at least, it seemed like a little den. Anthony gasped for air as he lay on the cold wet grass, it was getting near winter and the weather got colder, Anthony shivered as the wind passed by him, he was in dirty short grey pyjamas that didn't fit him, but he couldn't complain. Once he caught his breath he wiped the tears from his eyes, curling up into a ball, this seemed like a nice place to sleep. He shut his eyes tight, he didn't want to think about what had happened, he didn't want to see the fresh wounds on his limbs, leaking blood and causing him pain. He just wanted to forget.

------ time skip because I said so-------

Anthony woke up to light shining down on his face. He squinted and groaned, forgetting where he was. A small figure was stood Infront of him, the person covered the sun and Anthony couldn't make out their features. Anthony sat up and felt burning pain throughout his entire body, he grunted in pain and felt his wounds. The figure held out its hand,
"Um hello, I'm Alastor, may I ask what you are doing here?"

Anthony could now see the boy as he approached him, the boy wore a crimson red sweater and adorable little tiny glasses with gold rims. He had dark brown hair and slightly lighter skin, an adorable little boy, he wore a bright smile which was slightly worried and confused when he saw Anthony. The boy was about his age he though. Anthony took the boys hand and Alastor proceeded to stand him up carefully. Anthony swayed but stayed stood up, looking around and remembering the events of last night,
"Uhh hey... I'm Anthony..." He said awkwardly, Alastor took his hand and shook it politely. He looked Anthony up and down, Anthony was slightly embarrassed, all his wounds were just displayed for everyone to see.

"And what are you doing her Anthony darling?" The boy said, he was quite well spoken, he also had a tiny of confusion in his voice. Anthony's eyes widened, what should he say?
"Uhh I was running from someone, they were mean to me..." Anyhony said, it was half of the truth, he didn't have to say who now did he? Since he was a child any bad person was just a 'meanie' to him. Alastor looked down at his wounds once more and shook his head. Anthony looked down and saw all of the blood where he had been sleeping, was that him?

Alastor then picked up Anthony,
"This won't do! You wouldn't mind if I helped you get patched up right? Oh no matter you seem quite hurt anyway." Alastor said not bothering for an answer. Anthony was surprised at how strong the boy was, he ran back to what Anthony thought was the boys house, still carrying him bridal style. Alastor burst through the door and shouted his mother's name. Angel looked around at the well decorated house, the family seemed to have a right amount of money, well, compare to him.

Suddenly a woman who resembled the boy walked into the room with a cooking apron on, she took one look at the two boys and rushed to them,
"Alastor what happened? Dear heavens we need some bandages!" She shouted picking up the small thin boy into her arms. Alastor nodded and rushed up the stared, coming back down with a box of what Anthony presumed to be medical stuff. Alastor's mother thanked her son and lay Anthony on the couch, wondering where to start. She looked for the worst wound which appeared to be located on Anthony's right knee, she started there.

She questioned Anthony as she healed him, Anthony simply saying he was walking home from the shopping and a man came out of the shadows,
"What an awfully rude man!" Alastor chirped in, he had been watching Anthony for a while, interested. Alastor's mum laughed quietly and nodded, wrapping Anthony's leg up with a few quick movements. She did the same with the rest of his cuts and bruises and soon he sort of looked like a small thin mummy, making Alastor chuckle. Anthony thanked the two and tried to go to the door, desperate to leave, he knew how mad his father would be.

Alastor's mother quickly sat him back down on the couch,
"Tut tut! You are harmed and you need to rest for a couple of hours, you will be staying for dinner, I'm sure it's no bother for your parents anyway!" Anthony twitched at the mention of his family, or, so called 'family'. Alastor was glad that the boy was staying, he jumped up and tugged at his mother's stained apron,
"Oh that's fantastic mother! Could he come up with me and play in my room!?" He asked excitedly, pointing to Anthony. Alastor's mother shrugged,
"I don't see why not! Don't get him to move around much though okay? A boy needs his rest." She said sternly. Alastor nodded furiously and held his hand out for Anthony once more. Anthony grabbed at and then felt his whole body being basically flown up the stairs and into a room, he was almost scared of the boys speed.

The two played for a while and laughed with eachother, they actually got along quite well. Whenever Alastor would try to ask any questions though about Anthony's situation he would just ignore it or go quite for a moment. So Alastor didn't ask and they seemed to have a lot of fun together. Alastor had quite a few action figures but his room seemed to manily be books, and that was fine, Anthony was quite the creative one.

The two played for hours and could've gone on until they were called down for dinner, they both raced down to see who would arrive at the table first, this made Alastor's mother laugh, she had never seen her son's smile quite so big.

Little did the young boys know that this was the start of something phenomenal, something that would change both of their lives forever, for the better. This was a friendship that would be unbreakable, a bond so strong even growing up wouldn't change their absolute love for eachother, as friends obviously (for now). And lead to many great adventures to come.

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