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Interesting was the exact word that came into Alastor'd mind as he thought about the other boy, who he had not seen since he had left their house, about a week ago.

Alastor's P.O.V:

It's been a while since I've seen the boy that appeared in the forest. I can't stop thinking about him, it was just so odd to see. The boy was so skinny and looked like he hadn't ate in a while, I asked ma' about this, she just told me not all family's had the same opportunities as others. But we aren't the richest family either, pa's job doesn't really pay that well but we still manage to have atleast something every day. Well I call him pa but he isn't really, he's just a cruel man who for some reason says he loves my ma, even though he doesn't.

I stop thinking about pa, I don't like to think about him. I go back to the boy, Anthony, that's his name. He was so bruised when I found him, he didn't look very peaceful while he slept, I'd never seen him around before. Lots of people in the town know me, I'm always there, me and ma live in the forest and ma never leaves. I have to do the shopping and go to school on my own but I don't mind, it does get a little lonely though. I don't understand why no one ever comes into the forest, they all seem almost afraid of it, but o don't know why. That's why I was so surprised when I saw Anthony, we don't get many visitors.

I want to see the boy again, school starts again soon, I hope to see him there! I had lots of fun with him, he is quite funny, he seems a little quiet sometimes, but when I here him laugh, it's makes me smile even wider. Maybe I've found a friend? I've never cared for friends, ma always told me to make some, but I never saw the use. But he's a little bit different from the other children, I actually want to be friends with him, ma always said I was an odd boy too, maybe I've found someone odd as well.I smile at the thought, a friend.

Ma likes the boy too, she says he's quite nice. We talk about him often actually, ma seems to really think it could be the start of a great friendship for me. She also keeps saying that she hopes he's alright, I don't understand why, ma patched him up well and his parents should take care of him so it doesn't happen again. Whenever I try talking to her about the bad man who attacked Anthony, she always gets annoyed and tells me to stop talking about such things. I don't understand why, I just want to know, does she know the man? Something doesn't seem right.

I just really want to see him again is all. The other boys at school aren't like Anthony, they are rude, they are also brutes. Ma says I shouldn't associate myself with boys like them, and I'm happy not interacting with them. I like reading a book on the field while the boys do there own thing, far, far away from me. I like reading, I like being on my own, I never really understand human contact, apart from Ma, she's amazing!

I think I'm going to try looking for then boy, I would like to see him again. School will take forever to come around and Ma keeps talking about how she wants to make sure he's alright, so why not? I love exploring the town anyway, I know it quite well anyway, I wouldn't be able to miss him! He stands out quite a bit anyway, pale boy, light blond hair very pretty eyes, quite unique to see a boy like him in Louisiana. So it's set then, I'm going to look for Anthony tommorow, mother lets me go out as long as I don't go to far and I'm back for lunch, maybe I could bring Anthony back and play with him some more! It was so much fun!

Anthony's P.O.V:

I wonder if I'll be able to see Alastor at school. Beats having a bunch of boys jump me, Maybe if I have a friend they won't pick on me as much, that's probably not true actually, Arackness will do whatever he can to pick on me with his friends...

Pa wasn't worried about me, in fact he was almost upset to see me return, it doesn't surprise me really, he's never cared about me anyway. He wasn't happy when he saw me all patched up, he thought I went and spilled the family's secrets to some rando, even though I tried to deny it. He beat me up pretty bad after that, threw me in the basement and started having a go at me about being an irresponsible little shit. I'm used to it by now, but it still hurts, why doesn't he care about me?

Anyways after he was done with my skin and bones he just sort of left me lying there. I didn't want to move, it hurt to much, why did I go back home? He would've probably tracked me down anyway if I ran away for good, or just left me and not cared. You can never tell if my Pa' wants me or not, maybe once he did, but who knows about now.

But Alastor, he and his mom were really nice. I want to go back to them. My wounds are still healing but I can walk well enough, if I try hard enough maybe I can find his house again, that would be really fun. They are both really kind, and I really did have fun with Alastor. His mom was so kind to me, and her cooking was really good! If I could have something as good as that again! I wonder what he would be like at school? There is really only one around our area so I know he's probably going to be going to the same one as me. Oh! Maybe we can even walk together! Oh that would be really fun!

I think about them alot, everytime Pa' has a go at me I just think about when I will see the boy again.  Maybe school will be fun now that I have a friend, maybe I'll be able to get out of the house more to hang out with him, have more of his mom's really good cooking! I hope the friendship lasts, I also hope their is a friendship, I wonder if he thinks I'm his friend, cause I definitely am! Maybe I could take Mols' to meet him, I bet they would get along, Mols' is the best sister ever, she deserves happiness too!

I can't wait, I hope Pa' lets us stay here for much much longer than our usual places, usually it's two years, I think Pa' likes this place though, he's called it 'good camouflage'. Now I don't really know what that means, but it sounds like a good thing!

Both P.O.V's;
I hope I see him again.

Tommorow's going to be so much fun!

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