𝟮𝟭. 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘂𝘀

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The morning after the explosion


"Joker, are you getting this, over"

"This is green arrow transmitting, joker are you getting this, over"


"Who is this?"

"I am..Kang Hara"

"Kang Hara? As in Kang Haru his little sister"

"I am"

"Is joker- I mean Haru there with you? Can you give him the walkie talkie?"

My body slowly lifts from under all the stones. I cough repeatedly while looking around me. Though my body is covered in wounds and blood, nothing hurts.

"Hara? Are you still there?"

"Yeah just.."

I look around me, but all I can see are stones, ashes and dead zombies. I hold the walkie talkie tightly against my chest while studying every single face I can see.

"Haru?" I whisper. "Cheongsan?"

No answer. 

"Haru" I say a little louder. "Cheongsan?"

I start to lift the stones and look under them. No one. I start to study all the faces once more. But again, no one. 

"I'm so sorry.."

I step out of the zombie graveyard. My eyes go to the spot I was laying at. I squint my eyes a bit when seeing something familiar. I slowly walk back and kneel down. 

A green uniform I recognise as clear as day sticks out, but it's only a part of the body.

"Hara? Enlighten us about the situation there, please"

"He's...he's dead"

"Who? Hara who is dead?"

"My brother" I start to cry. "He's..he's.."

"Hara, can you check for me. Is it really him? Can't it be-"

"He was the only fucking one with a military uniform on" 

I turn the walkie talkie off with much force, trying to control my anger. He's dead and it's my fault. I place my hands on my head and hit myself. I'm trying to focus on the voice, but there is nothing. Is this a dream? Why isn't it saying anything?

It's so quiet that I can hear my own breathing so loud and clear. Am I the only survivor? Where are the others? Did they make it out alive?

Just as I was about to give up all the hope, I start hearing something. A heart beat. It's not my own, that's for sure. But it's not human either. 


There is no way that anyone in here survived. So why am I hearing this heart beat? 

"Is there someone?"

I make my way out of the building. My eyes shift towards someone standing not so far from me. 

I quickly notice who it is. 

"You're finally awake"

Gwinam turns to me. His pants are covered in ashes as his white vest turned the colour of the grey clouds. I take a step back. He clearly thinks it's funny as the grin on his face turns into an ear to ear smile. 

"Why aren't you dead" I whisper. "Why aren't I?"

"Because, junior, we're immortal"

"You're kidding"

𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗳-𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 || 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱Where stories live. Discover now