Dandelions; Snufkin x Vagabond Reader

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This one shot is based on the song Dandelions! Lyrics used belong to Ruth B.

(Y/n)'s POV

After straining myself on the tune all winter, I smiled at the handful of papers. It was complete. I felt bad, having stayed cooped up in the room that had been offered to me for winter. It was springtime once more, and the others were outside having fun. Snufkin sat on the bridge playing his harmonica, and occasionally I peered out to see him. But, unlike the others who had greeted the vagabond two days ago, I was still here. Doing the exact opposite, and avoiding him. Dandelions… I kissed the top page and did a small dance before swinging open the bedroom door. "I'll be back, mama, papa!" I yelled at the two as I rushed down the stairs.

"Wait! You haven't been out of the room, are you hungry?" I paused at Moominmama's soft voice, blushing some.

"I'll maybe eat when I get back. If I eat now I might throw up from nerves." I confessed, giving the couple a bright smile. "Wish me luck!" They both bid me good luck, with some hesitation, and off I went out the door, clutching the song. Zooming over the bridge, I called out to Moomin, not bothering to return Snufkin's spring greeting.

"Did you finish what you had been busy with?" He asked, panting as he ran to meet me.

"Yes! Yes I did! And I was curious, do you know of any dandelion fields around here?" The group of slightly younger teens gathered around us and I smiled at them.

"A field? That's boring!"

"Oh, but why not a field of other flowers?"

"Yes, (Y/n), I'm sure there's one this way!" Ignoring the others, I followed Moomin, letting him take my hand to pull me along. I turned my head hearing the copious amount of foot fall behind us, and grinned seeing Snufkin's curiosity had gotten the better of him and he was also behind us.

Upon walking through the wooded area and to an opening, taking about 15 minutes. I felt my nerves spike, suddenly debating on if it was still a good idea. I sat down in the field, the others sitting around me.

"Now that we're here, what's the point?"

"Well… Snufkin?" I looked at him and he finally turned my way, raising a brow. "Would you do me the honors of playing this?" I handed him the sheet music, keeping the lyrics to myself. He studied the pages and we sat quietly.

"Sure, (Y/n)." I grinned, my heart racing in anticipation. The moment he started playing, I picked a dandelion from in front of me.

"I wrote this, because dandelions remind me of a very special person." I had only a couple seconds to take in a deep breath before singing the lyrics on my own stack of papers. "Maybe it's the way you say my name, maybe it's the way you play your game…"

With each lyric, carefully written based on the feelings that came with each hard hit he had on my heart, I was flooded with memories. Like the night he offered me to stay in his tent.

"Hey, while Moominmama patches up your tent, do you want to stay in mine?" I peered a lazy eye open at the male and rolled it closed after a moment.

"I sat myself up plenty far enough away, why don't you leave me alone?"

About 30 minutes later, in the pitch black night, I was bringing him some of my saved mushrooms from earlier, and an extra fish I had caught for dinner. He had been up reading, and the moment he caught sight of me he smiled.

"Cold out? That's why I offered. Spring did only just begin." I huffed and made my way in, sitting in the furthest corner from him.

"Thanks," I muttered. "Don't get too used to me though."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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