B is for Breakdowns

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Note: So, uh this was supposed to be posted on April Fools Day, as a joke. That clearly did not happen. It also was supposed to be posted around the same time it was posted on Tumblr.

This does deal with some decently heavy subjects, so if you feel the need to back out. feel free to do so.

If you feel like I missed a warning, let me know.

Trigger Warnings: Panic Attacks, Sensory Overload, Toxic Family

Turner usually didn't have a huge problem with loud noises. He had trouble with really loud stuff, like fireworks, but most people didn't like the loudness of them. They were normally troublesome noises.

There were some noises Griffin should be able to tolerate. His 16th birthday party was one.

It wasn't like the party was humongous. It was only half of the invitees. about 200 people were present. There were fewer people than Zevon's birthday, for there were almost 300 people. There wasn't even that much noise. It was only slightly louder than his science class.

With all of these facts in mind, it was a baffling situation indeed. Turner should be able to handle the noise level.

However, Turner didn't think he was handling the noise very well. Unless handling suddenly included 'being on the edge of sensory overload' in its definition.

It wasn't like this hadn't happened before. Noise bothering Turner was very common when he was younger. He was 16 now, though. And this had never bothered him before at his own party.

The only thing Turner could think was different was how much he was talking to people. Usually, his parents did all of the talking and greeting. This year was the first he had been expected to greet the numerous guests.

Turner almost groaned when he saw yet another group of guests he hadn't greeted yet. He had kept a running tally of who he hadn't greeted, and these were just some more to add to the list.

However, when Griffin walked to the group, he was pleasantly surprised that they were some of his actual friends. Granted, they were his parents' friends' kids, but they were all surprisingly close.

Walking up to them, Griffin felt a genuine smile slid onto his face. The group consisted of Neuro. Tox, and Pale. Unfortunately, no Chamille or Ash, but beggars couldn't be choosers. It made sense that they weren't invited, for they weren't considered proper company for a Turner.

"Griffin," Neuro greeted. He was, as per usual, the best dressed. He was wearing a black suit, with a gray shirt and nice shoes . That wasn't to say the others weren't dressed amazingly, but Neuro was the best dressed. That was like a fact. "Happy birthday. Lovely party I must say." With how he said it, it was clear Neuro couldn't hate the party anymore that he did. The thought made Griffin chuckle, but Turner knew he shouldn't.

"Hug?" Tox asked as she stepped towards Turner. It was only a split second before Turner allowed her to hug him. This wasn't something that Griffin had to say no to. She was a girl. and she was probably a good person for him to get into a relationship with. It's not like he was expected to find a nice girl anytime soon or something.

"Thanks for coming, guys," Turner thanked the trio. He was genuinely grateful that they decided to come to his party. It wasn't like they had a lot of choice in coming, but they at least pretended to enjoy a stuffy party. "If you guys want a good seat, you better get them now. They're filling up pretty quickly." Turner gave a grin as he planned his strategic escape. Whether from the conversation or the party had yet to be determined.

Unfortunately, Neuro tried to stop him, for he grabbed his arm. "No, you are not escaping your own party. If you do, I'm coming after you." Damn mind readers. Although it was sweet that he cared enough to chase after me...

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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