Every Time We Touch

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Rouge and Gambit: Every Time We Touch

Author note: not all back-stories are accurate. Some I made up to help the plot line. Also, this one is kind of crappy, but the Bruce Banner one is next, so you can skip to that if you want.

Rogue's p.o.v.

It was hard, not being able to touch anyone. Shoot, it was hard just being a mutant. But at least Scott and Jean could touch, could kiss, something I couldn't do.

And that wasn't my only problem, either. Even knowing about me, and my powers, Gambit kept trying to get me to give him a kiss. When it was just us, I saw a side of him that I didn't see around other people. He was less of a show-off, more of a gentleman.

And the problem was I liked him. A lot. I had wanted to kiss him so many times, but after Cody, I promised myself it wouldn't happen again. And I've stuck by that promise, preventing myself from loving like I want to. Because for me to love someone is for me to break my own heart.

And I might very well do that with Gambit. He trusts me more than the others, but he's still guarded with me. I know his past was rough. I know mine was. But even so, it's hard not to want him.

The day I was faced with the biggest challenge of my life, ended up being one of the best days of my life.

That day was back when Magneto still proved strong, and he hadn't wanted any more delay in his plans. He had sent an army. Professor Xavier sent us, the X-Men. To say we were badly outnumbered was an understatement. But I didn't know just how big an understatement it was, until I was on the battlefield, Gambit behind me. We were back to back, and I noticed there was nobody else, no one but Magneto and his army.

The X-Men were gone. And we were next. Gambit must have noticed it, because he turned to me, "look like dis is it, chere."

I nodded, "do we go down fighting?"

Gambit shook his head, which was uncharacteristic of him. Instead, he looked at me, "we go down like dis."

He pulled me closer to him, and leaned in to kiss me. I tilted my head to the side, thinking maybe I'd get in just one kiss.

And then the blast hit. I don't know who it came from, even now, but I know it would have hurt a lot more if Gambit hadn't blocked most of it. We crashed to the ground, his arms still around me. "Don't move, chere," he whispered into my ear, letting me know he was okay.

And damn it if I wasn't kind of upset about not getting that kiss. We lay there, him cradling me, my skin all covered up, until we heard the last of the footsteps fading away. Gambit stood up, and pulled me with him.

"What do ya think happened to um?" I asked, looking around at the incredibly empty space.

"Don know," Gambit said, "but it not safe here anymore. Dey think we're dead, but if dey find out we not, dey gonna come for us."

I was having trouble focusing on his words, because his accent was really distracting. But what he said was true. We had to get moving. The institute wouldn't be safe anymore, and I couldn't think of anywhere else to go to, except maybe my hometown.

Gambit looked at me, "I know a place we can spend da night." That was a relief. I just hoped it wasn't to far out. I wasn't much up for flying.

"It's not to far, is it?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound whiny.

Gambit shook his head, "it just a little ways out. Come on, we can walk." We did that, walking in silence for a while, until Gambit stopped. I didn't know what he had stopped for, until I turned.

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