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I  gulped swallowing the scream that was itching at my throat and turned around and ran down the street away from the zombie but I started trying to chase me I quickly turned left, down an alleyway and climbed up the fire escape and the ran across the roof where I was in the middle of it and I looked around and saw the entire town was infested. When I saw a clearing I quickly climbed down the fire escape and ran across the street where I saw a skateboard and snatched it climbing on it. I skated away as fast as I could, when I got to my street and turned it down... The entire street was infested with zombies which made me jump behind a nearby car and duck. I heard something behind me and I looked up only to be met with the decaying face of a zombie.. On instinct I punched it in the face and ran as fast as I could, which made me feel like I was flying. Oh boy home sweet home! I ran inside and saw nobody in the house which looked really creepy not gonna lie. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed some of the knives from the holder, and I thanked my mom for getting the ones with the coverings. I quickly got out of the kitchen and ran to the front door using the chair that we just got and blocked the door 'There that should hold until I gather everything, and boy do I thank call of duty" I thought with a smile before running up the stairs to look for my family. "Hello..? Is anyone here..?" I whisper-yelled with concern "Autumn? Is that you?" I heard Matthew lightly say and it sounded like it came from the attic door above my head. "Hey I am going to come up if anyone else is up there stay away from the door so I can open it okay?" I heard multiple voices say okay which means that they had friends over while mom and dad were gone, to study I guess. I opened up the door and the ladder was missing, great just great. " Alright everyone one by one jump down okay? Try to be graceful looking at you MJ' I spoke with a deadpan. "Heyyy that was one time, one time!" I heard him say "Heh, okay" I said with a little chuckle at the end. They all started jumping down one by one and they were all graceful and Matthew caught MJ before he hit the ground, just so he didn't make any noise to alert whatever zombies were lurking outside of the house and on the street. "Lets get some different clothes on because these are not good clothes to run around in.. plus I need to change because I smell like a zombie, YUCK" I spoke with a frown before heading upstairs to my room and went to my closet and grabbed out a blue jean jacket and a black sleeveless turtleneck, with a pair of camouflage pants, and a pair of black combat boots. I put them on then grabbed a slightly small backpack and put in the Clothes I bought from Hot Topic and some of my clothes that I originally had. I walk downstairs and saw that the guys were all dressed and had their bags packed ready to go, "alright you 9 we need to get going, before we go we need to get some non-perishables and put them in a bag for later and then we can try and sneak into the Walmart and 'buy' some water bottles for later okay?" Everyone knew we were going to steal them. We walked to the pantry.. Nothing. Great, just great "Alright everybody we need to take some perishables because we do not have any, now let's go out there and survive!" I shouted with a smile "YEAH!" The boys shouted back before we walked to the front door and I removed the chair and placed it to the side of the door. We all walked out and the street was empty. As we walked out of the house I turned back around to take a final look at the home I grew up in for years. 'I'll miss you but I- NO We will come back after saving the world' I thought before turning around and walking off as the others followed suit. We walked down the street ducking behind bushes and cars making sure we were not walking in zombie territory. I looked left and right before crossing the street and walking behind a house because there is a shortcut through the backyard of this home. "Come on guys we need to go through here it's a shortcut okay? Just trust me" I spoke before walking off only to hear a scream... I quickly turned around and I saw Matthew surrounded. All senses went blank as I felt myself grab a knife and lunge... Stabbing the zombie through where its' heart would be, before grabbing its' head and ripping it off then throwing its' now permanently dead body off of Matthew. "Hey did you get bitten or scratched by it?" I questioned Matthew "N-no but how did you... do that? The little 13 year old sister I knew doesn't fight or kill people.." He said. "I-I don't know it's almost like my mind went blank but I could still see everything I could barely hear a thing, like everything was muffled" I spoke before walking back to the backyard. "Ignore what just happened and stay close. Got it?" I thought about what happened... what was that..?

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