A Sinful Battle

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Error pov

I was just watching TV and started to get bored. So I decided to piss ink off by destroying Undertale.


Sans was the only one left to destroy."you don't wanna do this bro!!" He said. "I say otherwise." I say grinning sinisterly. I heard a portal right after the skeleton was dusted. "Error..." I heard him say. "What ink?!? Why are you so upset?!?" I yell turning around. But... He didn't have his jacket around his waist, his scarf on, or even his shirt on underneath his t-shirt or his leggings!!!!. "W-wheres your scrar and jacket?!? A-AND?!?!" I stopped and turned back around. "WHAT?!?! I was taking a shower and these were the only clean cloths!!! Trust me I'm not happy Bout this either error!!! You dumbass!!" Ink  yelled as he stamped his foot. I needed to fight him!! STOP BEING STUPID ERROR!!! I turn around and the first thing they hit was inks waist. Turned out under all those layers of cloths he was surprisingly... Feminine... But not too feminine. Ok fine HES SO FEMININE AND I LOVE IT!!!

Me: TvT

My eyes kept going up and down his body.

No one pov

Errors eyes wandered all over inks body but he didn't know he was subconsciously panting. Probably cuz his face was burning with blue. "Error? Are you-?" Ink said also blushing due to errors sudden change of mood. Infact... Ink.... He dressed like this.... ON PURPOSE!!! He wanted to be with error. Because he had a crush on him... Ink wanted something.... Sinful~ to happen. Error tied ink up in his strings. "Ahhh!!! Error!!" Ink let out surprised. That was the last straw for error. All the strings crept underneath inks cloths covering his body. Once error tugged on them all inks cloths were shredded off his body.. ink already had a dick summoned which ink felt... Embarrassed. Error stared at ink.. with lust in his eyes

Me: no not the sans...

Error took off his jacket and his shirt. Ink face glowed more rainbow. Error was now completely naked and had his dick also summoned. "E-error..." Ink let out at the sight of his dick. "Shhhh... This is going to hurt.." he said as he grabbed inks hips and shoved his dick entirely in ink. "GAAAAHHHHH!!" Ink screamed as his head went back. After 15 minutes ink felt nothing but inside him he felt... Warm.. and fuzzy... "Error.. I'm ok now" ink said to error. He nodded and went straight to work. He went in and out of ink but slowly... Cuz he wanted ink to beg him to go faster. "Ah..ahhh~ c-can... G-o f-faster?" Ink moaned out. "Whats t-the magic wo-rd?" Error teased. "Please~?!?" Ink said. "I can't h-here you!" Error said then smirked at ink. "JUST FUCK ME FASTER DADDY!!! DAMNIT!!" Ink yelled. Error smiled and slammed into ink harder and faster. Ink felt like he was in an overwhelming heaven. Inks moans sounding like music to error.. he loved ink.. and ink was now his.. He felt close so he gave one hard thrust and cummed deep inside ink. Ink screamed another moan as error pulled out. "Ahh~ error~ your... So big." Ink said as error kissed his neck.

Bonus: blueberry came to Undertale to bring tacos to the world of Undertale and saw whiteness so decided to reset it and everyone came back... And ink and error where naked in the most populated place in snowdin..... XD

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