Chapter 2:reunion and a 'fun' time🍋

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(3rd POV)

it's been 1 weeks since the mysterious figure appearance, and to say at least all of the factions were shocked, terrified, by one man that kill riser Phoenix. Some people were scared at him, while some people think that he's just cocky (what a damn idiot). And the orc is not doing well too, because issei is in the hospital in the underworld like anyone cares about him anyway, while the rest of the orc is still depressed because of Y/n, enough of that now with our protagonist in the night time.

We see Y/n is in the middle of nowhere with his armor on and crossing his arm, like he's waiting for someone.

Y/n: ...

And suddenly someone appear behind him.

Y/n: ... What do you want with me...... Ophis.


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Ophis: ....... I want you to-

Y/n:like i said before I'm not going to join you and your khaos brigade.

Ophis: ........ I see, then I want to ask you something.

Y/n raise a brow under his helmet.

Ophis:can I live in your house?

This question caught Y/n off guard, ophis the ouroboros dragon want to live in his house.

Y/n: ... You sure?

The loli dragon didn't answer and just nod her head.

Y/n:*sigh* fine let's go.

Y/n grab ophis soldier and teleport to his new house since his old house is... Well you know.

Ophis:nice place

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Ophis:nice place.


He grab her hand and lead him toward his front door and open it, then he lead ophis to his living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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