Chapter 2

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Bucky and I walk into the recruitment center to see Steve on one of those plates that show you in a mirror in a soldier's uniform. Bucky walks up to him and lightly pushes him forward, "come on. You're kinda missing the point of a double date," Steve turns around to look at him. "We're taking the girls dancing." "You go ahead. I'll catch up with you," Steve says while nodding towards the doorway. 

"You're really gonna do this again?" Bucky asked disappointedly and I decided to stay quiet because I wouldn't exactly be helping the situation, so I just stayed on the outside of the coming argument. "Well, it's a fair. I'm gonna try my luck" Steve shrugs. "As who, Steve from Ohio? They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you" Bucky states. Steve takes a deep breath, "look, I know you don't think I can do this." "This isn't a back-alley, Steve. It's war." "I know it's a war." "Then why are you so keen to fight? There are so many important jobs."

I notice an older man watching Steve and Bucky arguing and I give him a polite nod. He nods back and I turn my attention back to the boys but notice that he keeps watching and listening in. "What do you want me to do? Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon?" Bucky interrupts "Yes! Why not?" "I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky." Bucky keeps trying to get a few words in, but Steve keeps going. "Bucky, come on. There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me," Steve says and makes me even prouder to think of him as an older brother. 

"Right. 'Cause you got nothing to prove," Bucky says. "Hey Sarge! Are we going dancing?" one of the girls call out, "yes, we are." He looks back at Steve and starts backing up, "don't do anything stupid until I get back." "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Bucky comes back up to Steve and goes in for a hug, "you're a punk." "Jerk," Steve says back while patting his back. "Get in here y/n/n," Buck says basically remembering that I was still there, and they both put an arm out for me to join. We stand there hugging each other for a moment knowing that this could be our last moment all together. We release each other from the hug and Steve says to us, "be careful. Both of you." Bucky starts walking away again but looks at me expectantly. "I'm going to stay with Steve for a moment. I'll catch up with you," I tell Bucky and he nods in answer. Steve yells out, "don't win the war till I get there!" Bucky salutes and walks to the girls, and they all walk to the dance hall. 

"Did you just want to yell at me in a different way or what y/n?" Steve asks dejectedly. "No, I wanted to tell you that I support you, but I'm scared for you. I know that having me walking around in this uniform isn't helping you when you want to join. And it would kind of be hypocritical of me to tell you not to recruit." "Why do you think it would be hypocritical?" "Because I am trying to prove myself. As a female, I am constantly being told to stay in my place. The house or the kitchen doing housework and making meals is supposed to be my purpose. I'm always being overlooked and underestimated. That's why I convinced Bucky to take me with him to the recruitment center and enlisted myself when he wasn't paying attention. To prove myself and start paving a pathway for girls that want to make a difference," I told him looking him straight in the eyes to get my point across.

"Alright, well, wish me luck then y/n/n. Keep Buck safe but I need you, especially to stay safe. Alright? 'Cause I don't know what Bucky, or I'd do without our little sister," Steve said in a serious tone. "Yes, Mom~ and same goes for you if you make it. Fight to make it back alive and safe," I go in for another hug to my brother although not by blood. "And quit calling me mom, kiddo," he scolds as I hold him tight scared to let him go. "Once you stop calling me kiddo, Momma Steeb." I smirk and finally let him go and he walks off to the back rooms to get his physical check.

After he turns the corner, I turn around and start walking to meet up with Buck at the dance floor. "Excuse me miss, but may I speak to you?" I turn back and see the older man that was listening in earlier, "yes sir." "You seem on the younger side, how old are you?" "I am 16 years-old, sir." "Why did you enlist in the army young lady?" "To break down barriers and be someone that a little girl can look up to. And of course, to fight for our freedom, sir," I reply confidently with that being my entire reason to enlist in the first place. "Hmm, I am Dr. Abraham Erskine" he says as he puts his hand out, "I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve." I shake his hand, "Y/n Barnes."

"Follow me," he goes around the same corner Steve did earlier and we walk into an empty physical check station. "I am going to conduct experimentation on soldiers to create super soldiers. I only have enough for two doses at the moment and I would like for you to consider participating. There will be other candidates for us to pick from and if you do not get chosen then we will send you out to rejoin your regiment," Dr. Erskine offers and I look down to think about his offer and Bucky. 

We had made a promise to look out for each other on the field out on the front lines, but I have a chance to make a difference. "I'm in." "Good," he hands me file on where to go for observation to see if I am fit for this project. "Thank you for this opportunity, Dr. Erskine." I put my hand out and he shakes it, and then I leave through the curtain and walk out. 

I leave the recruitment center and go meet up with Bucky. It looked like he and his dates had split up during the time that I was talking to Steve and Dr. Erskine. He was sitting on a bench just watching everyone dancing. Like he was trying imprint the moment into his memory. "Hey Buck," I sit next to him and start watching everyone dance just like him. 

"Hey y/n/n, what do you got in your hand?" I look down at the file that Dr. Erskine had given me earlier. "After I had finished talking to Steve, this man came up to me. His name is Dr. Erskine, he's part of something called the Strategic Scientific Reserve. He offered me a chance at a program to become a super soldier," I tell him, not looking at him in fear of seeing his reaction.

 "Wait, so you're not gonna come with me to the front lines?" He asks almost relieved. "Yeah, I'm going to be sent to a basic training camp to be observed and from there possibly chosen. If I don't get chosen, then I will be sent back to wherever you're stationed." I say as I look up at Bucky. "That- that's great y/n/n, I know we agreed on watching out for each other out there. But I'd prefer that you aren't out there at all," Bucky says while smiling and puts his right arm around my shoulders, "let's head home. I wanna spend some time with my baby sister before I leave." "I'm not a baby Buck," I whine out.

"Yeah yeah, you may not be a baby anymore, but you'll always be my baby sister," he says as we leave the dance hall.

Date written: 2/10/22

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