Part 1

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           "Hey, Chris." I hear someone say, but I just turn over and ignore it. "Chris! Come on, Get up will ya?" I open my eyes, to a dingy and dark room. I look around, find Sarah, and sit up. "Alright alright, I'm up, damn." Sarah is sitting in a chair at the only window by the door. I stand up, and walk over to the small closet where we were keeping our food at the time. There were also a few pieces of clothing in there that we would use for homemade bandages when one of us got injured. "We are almost out of food, and spare clothes too. We need to go hunting soon" I think out loud. "Yeah, pretty much. We need to keep a lookout on our shifts, just in case there is something that leads us to a place of some kind to scavenge." Sarah says from her chair. She isn't wrong, but I'm not completely sure if I'll notice something like that. Oh well, I'll have to see, I'm about to go on my shift to watch the house anyways.
           Soon after Sarah gets out of the chair, I sit down and take her place. Even though I just woke up after a few hours of sleep, I can feel myself start to nod off. Each time I wake myself up, and It just happens again. Behind me, I hear Sarah say "Chris? If you can't stay up I can cover your shift." turn to her and say "Oh no, I can handle it. just need to wake up-" I'm about mid sentence when I realize.. She isn't there. I look at the pallet on the floor, and find Sarah in it, looking at me with an extremely serious look. "Uh.. did you-" I say before Sarah cuts me off. "Shut up." She says, standing up and quietly moving towards me. "I didn't say that. There is an awakened Mimic out there." I pick up a knife on the table beside me, and stand back to back with Sarah. Things are relatively quiet, until I hear a child-like giggle coming from the right. Both of us turn to face it, and the giggling keeps on going.
            Sarah and I take a step towards it, and then another, and after another the giggling stops. We both stop in our tracks and start focusing on that corner. Suddenly a giggle comes from behind us, another to the right, and another on the left. A moment later and it's like we are surrounded by hundreds though Sarah and I know it's only one. Mimics, or at least in my experience, throw their voices, and can even multiply them to confuse or intimidate prey. In that case, the prey is us. The giggling, as well as multiplying, keeps getting louder and louder, until suddenly.. It stops.

             My mind starts scattering, and I can feel my breathing getting heavier as my eyes dart from one possible entrance to another. The broken window? The hole in the floor in the corner? Or maybe the front door? What if they are already inside? I barely even notice the Mimics piercing eyes and jagged sharp claws as it jumps in through the window and scratches me on the neck, knocking me to the ground. Thankfully, Sarah caught it and stabbed it in the head, seeing as it was only focused on me. "Dammit Chris! I thought I told you to be aware of your surroundings! Dumbass.." Sarah whisper-shouts at me, properly breaking me out of my trance. I reach back and feel the back of my neck, "Ow.. shit." I think out loud. Had that thing been a little bit closer when it scratched me, it could have caused some serious damage. Sarah was harsh but she was right.

That was too close of a call.

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