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You peaked through the curtain you hid behind. You had just regained your breath, when you saw Chica looking through the photo booths in search of you. You now saw her going down the escalator, completely ignoring the booth you were in. You waited until she was out of sight so you could try and sneak into the daycare. You were on the opposite side of the daycare, so you had a while till you could actually get there. The moment Chica was out of sight, you started walking as fast as you could without hurting yourself. You had just passed the second booth, only having to cross one more, but then, suddenly the light-all the lights shut off. You immediately stopped in your tracks, becoming quite scared. You stayed there for a while, really scared that something was going to happen. You were there long enough for your eyes to, once again, adjust to the darkness

You then heard Chica's voice, she was coming back, and apparently quickly. With an attitude of not wanting to be captured, you ran as fast as your little injured legs allowed you to. You saw the doors to the area with the large statues of Sun and Moon, and raced for it.


{(???)'s POV}

As I switched on the second generator, I heard a faint crash noise, followed by an agonizing scream. I turned my flashlight in the direction it came from, sounded like it came from right outside the doors to the daycare. I was about to focus on turning the lights back on, when I saw that Moon animatronic thing racing towards the entrance of the daycare. The hell?! As much as I wanted to see what had happened, I knew I had to turn on these generators, and with that thing gone, I should have more time!



"AHH!" You screamed, holding onto your arm, as you had tripped over something, and tried to use your left arm to break the fall. Your tears were getting worse, and so was the pain. 'I'd have no chance of it healing now!' You thought, holding your arm close to your chest. Suddenly, you were pulled up into the air by your right arm, and you could see bright blue eyes staring at you, scanning you. "Let go of me!" You cried, flailing your legs-well, the one that didn't hurt-around, trying to pry her off of you.

"You're not Gregory..." Chica spoke.

"Background check initiating protocol." A male voice announced. "Background check protocol complete."

"(Y/n) (L/n), age 9, came here with your mother, father and brother." She said.

"Let her go." You heard Moon's voice from behind you.

"Moon?!" You cried, turning behind you, you indeed saw Moon, he was crossing his arms.

"Whatever, she's not who I'm looking for anyway." Chica dropped you, thankfully you landed on your feet and not on your arm. You quickly ran up to Moon, who picked you up and hugged you. Chica walked off, only now did you see how sassy she looked. Moon let go of you.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Moon asked, worried as his night vision allowed him to see all of the bruises and bandages on you.

"Oh, one of the walls in the playground were faulty, It fell and I fell with it, no big deal." You slightly chuckled, though you knew it was not a joking matter.

"No big deal?!" He screeched. "Why did you scream? Did that self-centered robot hurt you?" He asked worriedly.

"No, I fell on something and landed on my arm, again." You hugged him again, not wanting to let go. Moon picked you up and took you into the daycare.

"Shouldn't you be at home with your mother and father, or in the hospital?" Moon asked.

"All the hospitals are busy, and a doctor recommended I stay here, sun said you have full medical training." You replied.

"Oh...she must have worried that you'd be in too much pain in the car." Moon thought aloud.

"Perhaps. Say, Moon, do you have any Panadol I can take?" You asked, gesturing to your bandaged arm.

"Ah, yes I certainly do! Sun made this cabinet with a pin code on it, I just have to see the file he saved in our hardware, to see what the code was." He mumbled on, opening the doors to the pick up station.

He set you down and held your right hand. You walked into the daycare with him, he was about to lead you to the cabinet, when he stopped in his tracks. You turned to him, to see what the matter was, only to widen your eyes at the sight of his turning bright red. You looked where he was looking, and saw a young boy, maybe a little older than you, standing frozen in fear. He had brown hair, and wore a blue striped shirt. You also noticed he had a band-aid on his left cheek. While you were observing him, he was apparently observing you as well. He looked shocked at your appearance, but then, who wouldn't be? You were literally covered in bandages and had dried blood in your hair. He then looked at your hand, which was intertwined with Moon's.

"Naughty boy, bad children must be punished.."

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