Prelude: A Story To Be Told

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Hello everyone. This is Mlp fan Celine bringing op a new story.

This story has been on my mind for quite a while now. In fact, I got this idea a few months ago. It all started with a dream that I had. A very heavily detailed dream where I saw the different perspectives of Link and Zelda. It was also my first Legend of Zelda dream ever, and I loved the idea so much, that I needed to write down everything that I remembered ones I awoke from the dream. So, I did.

I have been toying with ideas for this story for a very long time (almost every day at least ones) and ideas keeps coming. I haven't planned out a lot, as I am a person that goes along with what my mind comes op now, so updates won't be frequent. But a few scenes are planned out in my mind, so as soon as they come up, I probably won't have so many problems (writing wise).

This story is inspired by a lot of things, and I am going to try and write my inspiration for certain scenes in the authors notes. All I can say is, that a lot of music and other stories have inspired me to do my own story.

Multi chapters stories were always a pain for me to keep them updated, but I am going to try my best. I would just need your help a little to motivate me. Also, this story is not beta read and I have dyslexia plus English is my third language, so if some mistakes do come op, it's because of those problems. Know that I try my best in editing and writing to get better.

For anyone wondering, this is a TP Zelink story with a lot of Romance, Drama and Hurt/comfort, so get ready for that. Don't like the ship, don't read it.

Alright and without further ado, let's get started.

PS: I don't own the characters of this story except for the OC Characters. All the others belong to Nintendo


The sun was slowly but surely going down behind Death Mountain. The birds were starting to get quieter and quieter, till no sound came as they sub-come into sleep. Twilight befell the land of Hyrule. The time that put an end to the day. In villages, kids were brushing their teeth and got put to bed by their parents. Couples were seen walking hand by hand in the side streets, as they, too, started to retire for the upcoming night. The music grew quieter as well as chatting folks around villages and towns. Pretty soon, night befell the land, and everyone was getting ready, to sub-come into the land of dreams. Well, almost everyone...

Laughter could be heard in the castle halls. Servants, who were getting the castle ready for the night, were all looking at each other with small smiles and smirks. It seams that the little princess wanted to stay op late again and play with her parents. Oh, how much livelier the castle became with a small child running around again.

Since the birth of the little princess, the servants and maids spent a lot of their time running around the castle, as their little princess loved to cause trouble. As soon as she learnt how to walk, the world opened op for her. Gone was the little princess as soon as you turned your back on her for just a few seconds. They had their hands full to keep her in place. Well, not as much as her parents. They got their hands full 24/7. But they loved their daughter and didn't mind even a bit. Considering the little princess's origin, it was no wonder.

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