Chapter 5: Revival.

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"What the heck?!" Purple exclaimed, instinctively grasping Victim. Dark snapped out of his moody thoughts, gazing at Purple's dissolving body.

"Oh, I guess you're being revived." He said, returning to his careless character. Yet, his face was full of longing.
"You're going back...." Victim murmured, his face filled with wonder.

"Yeah.. I am.." Purple said apprehensively, not knowing what sort of welcome she was going to get on the other side. "Well... Nice meeting you both."
Victim nodded, smiling sadly. "Good luck with life."
Dark said nothing, and took to just staring at Purple.
When her whole torso was gone, she abruptly stopped dissolving slowly and disappeared entirely.

That's when she felt the pain.

Oh, the pain.

The bliss of feeling nothing in the void was gone - now all the agony of worldly cuts, bruises, and broken bones hit her harder than Mango ever could. Tears sprang to her eyes instantly, a gasp of suffering left her throat.

"SECOND!" She heard someone familiar scream.
Purple opened her eyes.
A black stick figure was close to her. Yellow was just in her circle of vision, all she could make out was the glint of his glasses and a bit of his head. A blinding white light seemed to come from all directions, hurting her eyes. She closed them shut, overwhelmed by everything.

She couldn't help but start crying. She was confused, suffering, and tired. She wanted to return to the void, if only to escape the pain. Her sobs were silent, too tired to muster energy to make a noise beyond gasps. She could hear more yells, but they were growing inaudible. A wave of tiredness overcame her, and she slipped into unconsciousness.

When she woke up, she could only register one thing.

Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Was around her bed except for Second. Even the black stick figure, whom she now recognized as Chosen.

Purple cringed back in fear, but a sharp pain in her leg stopped her from squirming further.
"Try not to move." Blue said softly, holding a steaming hot bowl of what smelt of stew. His words failed to placate her though. Rather, the confusion and fear inside of her doubled.

She opened her mouth, but instead of the question she wanted to ask, a bit of blood dribbled out. Blue got some tissue out and gingerly wiped it away, his expression grim.

"Your system is fragile right now." Chosen stated, emerging from the shadows. "It's best if you take it easy. The questions can wait..." He added in a sinister fashion.

That's when Purple realized Chosen, Yellow and Blue's clothes were covered in dark crimson stains. Was it her blood? Probably.

The door creaked open, and everyone turned to face the newcomer.
"Second!" Everyone cried, forgetting about Purple and rushing to the door. The orange stick got wrapped into a hug.

They finally released him, a short hush falling over the room.

"Purple! Are you okay?" Second said, pushing through the other figures to approach Purple's bed. He seemed oblivious to the fact that all the other figures were staring at him fearfully.
Purple shrugged. She could feel herself slowly shutting down. She closed her eyes, sinking deeper into the pillows.

Very soon, she was asleep. A look of peace came to her face. 

She did not hear the argument that came.

She did not hear the revelation.

She did not hear the fabric of reality tear for the others.

This is a short chapter, sorry about that. I've fallen ill, but once I recover I'll work on the next chapter! The next chapter is going to be juicy :) 

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