Sad Potato (Angst)

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(This request is for IrridescantGrace, I VERY deeply apologize for taking so long. I fell out of the fandom, then I got caught up in other stuff, then started working on other things, and I honestly forgot about this book for a while. But I have finally done it! Though there's no suicide attempts in this, just some sad boi angst.
It was another day in Jump City. It was strangely peaceful today, so the young heroes were able to relax.
Not all of them were though.
Beast Bot lay in his room, sulking. He does sulk sometimes, but this is much more dull and depressing. He hasn't left his room all day, not even to eat breakfast or lunch.
Why is he acting this way? The answer to that was simple.
Today was the anniversary of the day his parents died.
He remembered the days before his mutation, before the fighting, before the heartbreak and craziness. Though they weren't around much, his parents still loved him very much, and he loved them too. When he was bitten and gotten sick, his parents worked day and night to cure him. Which lead to him gaining his powers and green skin.

But then, that day, on the canoe...he can still hear them calling out to him. It eats him up everyday. He couldn't help but think about what he could've done, could he have used his powers to save them? Maybe they would still be alive today if he had just....

He sighed and buried his face into his knees, he tried to suppress the tears coming on.  It was then that he heard his door slide open, the voice of his best friend rang cheerfully.

"Hey BB! I you haven't left your room all day, so I ordered us some pizza and we can-!"

Cyborg stopped mid sentence when he saw his friend curled up against the wall. His smiled dropped and he looked at the green boy in concern.

"Buddy? You good? What's the matter?"

Beast Boy said nothing, and that only caused Cyborgs frown to deepen. This was worse than his usual sulking, he could tell. But why? Realization dawned on him and he quickly checked his internal calendar.

'Oh no...'

Cyborg looked back at his friend and his heart ached, it's no wonder Beastie was so upset today. He turned on his heels and exit the room, a few moments later, Beast Boy felt somebody sit next to him. From the hard texture, he could tell it was Cyborg. He then felt someone else sit on the other side of him, and his ears picked up the sound of two other people taking a seat. Raven and Starfire he assumed.
So the rest of his team was here.

"Bad memories B?"

Cyborg's voice was uncharacteristically soft and gentle.

"Uh huh..."

He felt a hand fall on his shoulder.

"I know how it feels, to lose your parents I mean..."

Robin spoke from next to him, Beast Boy wasn't very smart, but he could hear the genuine sympathy in his leader's voice.

"How did you deal with it?"

He asked, his voice cracking and shaky from the emotions swirling within him.

"Well I cried my heart out for one, then I brought the man who killed them to justice. After that, I just mourned. It was hard, and it still is. But you know why it doesn't hurt as much anymore?"


"Because I'm not alone. I'm still surrounded by people who care about me, and I can rely on them to help me heal."

For the first time, Beast Boy looked up from his knees, and saw Robin smiling at him gently. Strange for the usually bossy and intense leader he knew.

"We're here for you Beast Boy."

"Even though I'm a screw up?"

He said bitterly. He was dumb, but he was smart enough to realize he was a useless idiot most of the time. He caused more harm than he did good. He couldn't be trusted with even a simple assignment because his idiot self was top incompetent.

"Ah, ah, ah, no. I know where your going with this Beastie, and I'm gonna stop you right there."

Cyborg interrupted.

"It's true that you can be a bit much-"

"And incompetent."

Raven joined in.

"And completely idiotic."

Starfire added.

"But guess what? We ALL are! You know how many times we've screwed up, individually? Lots of them end in some sort of world disaster."

Robin said.

"Don't devalue yourself for dumb mistakes, especially when we all do the same thing."

"Indeed! We are the professional idiots!"

Starfire said proudly. Beast Boy couldn't help but stifle a snicker at that. This caused the others to smile widely.

"Point is, we got your back Beastie, and we love you, brains or no brains."

"Thanks guys,"

Beast Boy allowed himself to smile for the first time that day.

"You're the best."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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