16♡ Jeon's unshown feelings

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Jeon was awake

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Jeon was awake...

He was acting all along, because he had hunch that shasha can remember the past life ,and here he goes successfully uncovered the truth while being romantic

Jeon: you called me Jungguk didn't you?

Shasha: no you may have miss heard it.

Jeon: Jungguk don't Jungguk don't...

Shasha try to go out from the room

Jeon: yaa how long can you run, how long are you going to hide ,
What are you going to change?
Aren't you scared that we won't lead a happily life together like our past life..
Did you atleast try go change anything.
You always ran away.
Avoid me.
This how you gonna change our life by totally forgetting me?

Shasha: I don't want you two to fighting.
That's all.

Jeon: do you know what hurt me the most, when you try to solve everything alone.

Am I outcast here?

Shasha: jeonaa.

Jeon: hug me,.

Don't turn your face from me.
Don't you see how cute I am.

Don't laugh I'm serious.
I'm getting blush here you are avoid my eye contact.

Yaa look at me

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Yaa look at me..
At least touch my hair and tell me I'm there.

I can't do this anymore when I know you rember all.cut the crap now.

Don't you wanna hug me?
Why are you doing like this.
You said you love me like crazy..
Is this is the craziness you said.?

Don't you feel that it's unfair for me.
I'm falling apart now.
Why can't you hold me even now so I can hang on a bit.

You are not talking, why am I the person who is feeling all these.do you know how much I missed you.
When I saw you first day.

I felt a pain deep in my chest ..I felt like I'm losing you.
But I wanna to avoid it because it was kind of pain like I feel to cry when ever I see you.

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