Merediths Missing

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Addisons pov:

There was a flash, a big purple flash and meredith was gone. She just dissapeared and in her place fell a raven haired woman. Her hair was cut short and styled in curly spirals.

There was a grunt as she hit the floor. Who the hell was she? Why the hell was she here, where my f-girlfriend should be? My mind was racing and my heart thumped inside my chest. Tears welled inside my eyes but I knew I must not cry. Meredith could be in danger and I needed to stay strong for her.

I fumbled with the ribbon around my wrist making sure it was still there. Thankfully it was.

The restaurant was empty besides me and this woman. meredith must of rented it for the proposal, I was glad nobody saw that weird purple thing they would have freaked.

I stood up pushing my seat in underneath the table. I rushed over to the woman realising that she wasn't moving. I checked her pulse. ah just as I thought thready and weak. I'll have to take her to the hospital.

"no" she snapped as she slowly sat up. Did she just read my mind?

"yes I did" she said "you can't take me to the hospital because your doctors won't find anything wrong with me".

"yes they would they are the best in the country" I defended.

"no matter how good your doctors are they aren't trained in magic so they wouldn't find anything" she explained taking my hand and letting me help her up.

"magic?" I asked raising my eyebrow. I mean sure she did just fall out of no where but that was just fairy tales right? I wasn't loosing my mind? Right?

"yes, magic, but right now we need to get out of here, we need to go somewhere private to talk"

I quickly packed my stuff up and thanked lia the chef for the beautiful food before we quickly scurried out of the restaurant door.

The silence in the car was deafening aside from the gentle tapping of my fingers on the the steering wheel.

"can you stop that!?" she snapped fixing a plaster above her right eyebrow. Just like meredith used to. God I missed her.

"sorry I'm nervous and confused and my f-girlfriend just disappeared and you won't tell me anything!" I shouted. Meredith and I had been together for only a year, I only moved into her house two months ago and now she was gone. what if I never got her back. Who would cuddle up to me at night and tell me how my eyes light up like the stars on a clear night when I smile  or how my hair is as red as the pits of hell. She made me feel special, important, she made me laugh.

"you don't need to panic redhead she's in good hands. You almost called her the f word twice but changed your mind. Why?"

"the f word? no I didn't"

"yes you did"

"pffft no I did not"

"if you didn't then why are you blushing?"

"okay fine I did once... Twice" I grumbled as she gave me a death glare knowing once was a lie "I was about to say yes when she got taken away in that weird purple flash"

Damn her death glares could make a grown man cry.

"I heard that. Whats your name by the way. You know so I can stop calling you redhead" she asked.

"addison" I said as I pulled into the driveway of my house "and you are?"

"Regina, Regina Mills" she held her hand out to shake mine.

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