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Merediths pov:

"what do you mean enchanted forest!?" I asked pacing back and forth in front of the still sitting blonde.

"The enchanted forest, you know from fairy tales?" she replied leaning her head against a giant oak tree.

"fairy tales aren't real!" I shouted. If this psycho ever met my mother she would be brought back to earth within seconds. But my mother's dead and I didnt even know where I was.

"magic exists in every realm in different forms your magic is your surgery. Your capability to fix people who were shredded into millions of pieces before you laid hands on them"

"what's your magic then?"

"this" she said taking her hand out of her pocket and moving it around. Suddenly my feet lifted off of the ground. I flapped my arms around trying to stay balanced. "that's a new trick my- the woman I love, regina, taught me"

"while it is very impressive can you put me down now? " I said folding my arms in protest. While I was only a couple of meters off of the ground I had been terrified of heights ever since the plane crash five years ago.

I sat down beside her again, pulling my knees up to my chest "so these realms. What exactly are they?".

She explained to me how there were different realms that were like different realities except they were real and in the same universe. She told me how these realms could only be accessed through specific portals and how lately in her realm, portals had been mysteriously popping up and taking people to random realms, leaving a person from another realm in their place.

"so that's why when you got pulled away from your addison my regina got taken from me" the blonde explained her face saddened and tears pricked her eyes.

"it's okay, she's being taken care of, I know she is especially if she landed where I last was in my realm" I comforted placing my hand on her back and leaning my head to rest on hers.

"trust me if theirs anyone who needs taking care of its not regina"

"tell me a bit about her?"

"only if you tell me about addison and your friends you won't shut up about"


We talked about her friends and family and regina the woman that she loved and shared their son, Henry, with as we walked down the dusty forest track. I told her about addison and how we had finally gotten together last year after a decade of secretly loving each other.

"so I should just, tell her?" the woman asked the fear on her face showing. "if you want to save yourself a decade or more of pain, then yes, you should tell her"

"I realise I haven't told you my name yet" she said holding out her hand "I'm Emma"

"meredith" I said as I shook her hand.

The bushes to the right of us shook and Emma stopped in her tracks "get over here" she mumbled pulling me into a Bush at the opposite side of the track.

Emma peaked her head out over the top of the Bush. The rustling continued for another few minutes. My heart thumped inside my chest. Why did the blonde get so startled? She breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down next to me.

"just a deer" she sighed standing back up and offering me her hand. I took it pulling myself back up to my feet and dusting off the back of my scrub pants.

"we're going to have to get you different pants, or a dress or something that won't make you stick out like a sore thumb. My people are wary of outsiders" Emma whispered, still unsure of her surroundings as we started walking down the seemingly never ending forest track again.

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