Episode 25: An Eavesdropper Picks up a Signal

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From the table behind Fred and Evan, Linus listened in on the conversation. As the men left, Linus leaned around the wall of the booth.

He glanced at the screen of his mobile device. It had gone dark. He tucked the device into his pocket, tossed a handful of crumpled bills onto the table, and slid out of the seat to follow Fred and Evan.

His thoughts raced as he strived to maintain the distance between himself and the two men.

"Which one is the architect though." He grumbled as he slipped between the crowd of pedestrians.

The leaders would want to know which of the men to track. It had been nearly a century since the last potential architect had incarnated. Linus scowled to himself as he thought of how that attempt at rebuilding the grid had gone.

The discovery of the Arc battery source, and the Grail memory core, had been amazing. Oligarchal collapse set the project back when items and research were seized because of shifts in simple minded governments.

Linus lingered to allow more space between himself and his quarry. As he paused at a street crossing he caught a glimpse of a printed news article stating the world governments' considerations on breaking the ITower monopoly.

"If they do I'll fade out of history like the men before me." He grumbled.

A rush of panic waved over Linus as he momentarily lost sight of Fred and Evan. He hurried through the intersection, ignorant of the signal.

The bustle of the commercial district seemed to fall away when he crossed the street. He hung back as Fred and Evan approached the gated garden to one of the homes down the street.

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