𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2

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We arrived to the hospital in rush and the paramedics wheeled Filip into the building. I tried to stay focused and tried to stay on their pace, but it was hard since my thoughts were flying all over the place. All I could feel was this never ending feeling of worry towards my boyfriend who was fightning for his life.

   Since we arrived and doctors rushed to us and paramedics started to explain the situation i felt hand on my shoulder that started gently pulling me away. I turned my gaze towards young nurse at my left who was pulling me away.

"Let them do they work, theres no need for you right now", she said.

I turned my gaze back to Filip who was taken to one of the rooms in rush.

Tig walked beside me "C'moon doll..let's let them work on him in peace, okay ?" I nodded slowly and Tig walked with me to sit on chairs in waiting room.

We sat there silently watching peoples walk past as at the hallway. Minute after minute and hour after hour. Those were the slowest minutes of my entire life. And those minutes turned into hours.

As i sat there. My head on Tig's shoulder who was sitting at my right side . Also was snoring his head of. Juice had appeared from somewhere and was sitting beside me also with closed eyes. Jax was sitting at the other side of the hallway. Pacing and then again sitting down. Why was it taking so long ? Was he even alive anymore ? No one told us anything. I was begin to worry for real.

As the time went by i started to think about everything. I was playing those words in my head over and over again. "Marry me..." was it just the moment ? Or did Chibs really mean that. I wasn't sure if I would even be ready for that. What if Chibs doesn't make it ? What if he doesn't want it when he wakes up ?

I started to think about the time I met him. It was one of those sunny days of the summer and what a surprise my car broke down. It might sound like one of those cheesy love stories. Knight in shining armor coming to rescue. At this case more like in leather.

*2 years ago*

I was standing on the side of the road. I got flat tire. Just my luck that it broke when i was in the middle of nowhere. And there he came. My saving angel . I first didn't notice him, thought it was just one of those biker guys riding past. But he pulled to the side of the road killing the engine. He climbed of his bike and took his helmet off. That's when i turned my gaze to my savier. And my god if i said he didn't look good to my eye. That brown hair. The way he walked. Full of confidence. I felt kinda safe when he walked to me which was weird, considering that he was completely stranger and i couldn't know what he wanted from me. What if he would be an rapist or murderer.

I would know that as soon as he opened his mouth. I was a goner. That accent was so beautiful, i couldn't place where it would be from. Britihs i was sure. He asked what was wrong with my car and if he could help me. He set to work by taking out my spare tire and other needed tools from the back of my car. I watched as he took of his cut and leather jacket setting them aside and started to work on my car.

After he was done and gathering things back to my car including the flat tire he was putting back on his jacket shaking his hair out of his face. I felt that i was just staring at him dumbly. Finally i got word out of my mouth

"What am I indebted to you ?" I asked with a sigh

"Nothin' darlin", he said with a light chuckle and a smile playing on his lips "Just happy to help lady in distress"

I couldn't let him just go , not yet.
"There must be something..let my buy you a coffee or something ?" I asked hopefully to spend more time with him

He thought it over for a minute and gave in "okay. Just a cup then", he said and walked back to his bike.

We drove to the closest gasole station and parked near to each other. We walked inside the shop and i paid his coffee. He drank it too fastly for my likeing. It meant that our roads will separated as we walked back outside to our vehicles. I rised my gaze back to his with a slight amile. Trying not to show my dissapointment when he was walking back to his bike while lightning chigaret.

"Well I got to get going...", he said while looking at the ground near his boots

I nodded slightly "Ride safely", i said. It sounded dumb to me.

"You too", he smiled and sat on his bike
"Oh, you better get that tire fixed though", he said as he was buckling his helmet.

"Yeah I try to remember", i smiled as I walked to my car door.

As his black motorcycle roared back to life I remember that I didn't even ask his name. I was about to open my mouth but he took off already. I sighed and opened my car door. I bet I wasn't ever going to see my hero ever again.

I hopped back inside my car starting it up and driving to the direction of the town I would soon call my new home. Charming. It was charming little town indeed.

After few weeks from moving to my new rental home at Charming happened something I wouldn't even believe to be true. After my work shift at library I was doing my day grocery shopping and there he was. My savior from two weeks ago. I couldn't believe my eyes. Did he really live here in Charming ? My dreams and thought's had been busy with thinking about him and and here he was in front of me.

*He probably doesn't even remember me*, I thought while watching him observe the line of microwave foods.

I decided to try my luck and took deep breath while walking towards him.

Here goes nothing...

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