Chapter 15

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Before we start, TW for emotion/self-hatred. A new story will be up very soon, because I feel like I left this story on a very unresolving part. Anyways, thank you for the patience!

 You were standing in the middle of a big crowded circle of people. They all seemed to be staring you down, not speaking, but only murmurs rippled through the crowd on and off. You looked around at the crowd, noticing familiar faces. Littered around the crowd you could see some of the faces of the townspeople you saw in your daily life. The silence was shattered in a split second when someone spoke up.

" You really think you're all that, huh?" You whipped around to see who was talking. Facing you was Mirabel, looking at you like you were a 2 week old fish. She walked up to you and spat in your face, making you shut your eyes quickly.

" Y/N!" A voice came from behind your head once again. You turned around, and saw your parents standing together in the crowd.

" Mother! Father!" You rushed to them, running into their arms and embracing them into a tight squeeze.

They pushed you away, and looked into your eyes with complete desperation and sadness. You were so clearly taken aback, you didn't even notice that you were sprawled onto the floor, when they pushed you back.

" You haven't even wrote a letter to us in a month! Do you even love us anymore? Did you forget us? Are we not worthy of your love?! They screamed in unison, pouncing on you. They disappeared into a cloud of dark black, blinding you. What was happening?

The crowd was smirking now, a few barely laughing at you. They whispered in others ears while still staring at you, not taking their eyes off of you.

You looked back to the black cloud. It started turning and shifting into another person. It took up a shadowy black figure.

" Oh no." You muttered under your breath.

The figure morphed into Bruno, his eyes no longer the dark oak that you knew. His eyes were white, but the emotion emitted signs of loathing and completed hatred. He went close to you, and looked you up and down.

" Do you really think, Y/N, that I would love you? You're so desperate that you believe I would like you. Let me tell you something. You're pathetic. You're so delusional that you made up a fantasy about me loving you."

At these exact words the crowd started to howl in laughter. Their amusement made you cover your ears with your hands in pain, but it didn't help one bit.

The crowds laughter pricked like pins and needles, prying into your eardrums. It made your head pound and rattled your brain. The laughter continued, until they were practically screaming. They tackled you, and clawed at your skin.

 They removed your hands from your ears, and started lifting you up. They pulled at your limbs. Everything in your body hurt, and they just kept on screaming and wailing in your ears. You closed your eyes shut and prayed it would all just stop, but they didn't. You tried to scream, but nothing came out. Out of the crowd you could see everyone who approached you with a ghastly smile on their face, as if it were the most amusing thing on Earth.


You woke up, tears and sweat on your face, making you look like a mess. Your breath was going 40 miles per hour. You climbed out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. You turned on the facet and held out your hands to the sink.

The cold water ran down your face, going down to your scalp. You thought back to your dream, seeing your parents ghoulish faces, and the hateful prolonged eye contact. You dried your face, and hurried to your room to like for a pen and paper to write. Encanto had been so busy and exciting that you had forgotten almost forgotten all about them. And what about your brothers? You'd completely forgot about them! Had they already went off to somewhere foreign?

Dear Mother and Father,

 Encanto has been utterly amazing, and I wish you could be here to see it all. The magic, the people, everything here is stunning and rich of culture. And everyone is so nice and welcoming! I just wanted to write to you to check up on you, and how you're doing. Is Jose okay? And how about Alejandro? I miss you so much, and love you all deeply.

Write soon,


You set down the pen, and sealed the letter using wax that poured down the paper. You walked to the door, and sliding your shoes on, and walking out the door. You walked down the steps, and set the letter in the mailbox, closing it shut. Looking down the street, you saw Mirabel with Dolores and Isabela walking down the street.

You rushed towards them, but then thought about Dolores. Something struck you like a lightning bolt, and you ran inside of your house. Hoping that no one had seen you, you swung the door open and rushed in.

 Oh my gosh, how could you forget? She probably heard everything that happened in the train tunnel! How could you be so stupid? You went into the kitchen, and drew the curtains so it would cover the whole house.

While peeking through the curtains, you saw Dolores staring at your house, and then straight at you not breaking eye contact. She honestly, looked extremely terrifying. She continued walking, and looked back at the group, which were walking to the Casita. You sighed a breath of long held relief, and sat on the couch, plumped on the seat.

Bruno Madrigal X Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now