Do i like you?

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(Ok guys I will try and write as much as I can but yeah)
Alyssa's pov
So it started out as just a normal talk with me and my father. I'm in karate so me and my dad are very close, and yes I'm straight.
Dad:so I found this new place for us to go to for juijuitsu would you like to try it with me ?
Alyssa:idk I guess I can try it but I will probably hate it
So we go to a class just to watch my dad gave me no warning that we were going .We were supposed to be going to a family thing but we showed up there to watch. We talked to the owner about classes and stuff and there were four boys in the class. One of them looked close to my age but I wasn't sure but he stood out from the rest. I told myself I couldn't like him not after I had already loved someone else but did I really love him? Anyways we went back the next week and that time I was ready to train. I wasn't planning on liking that boy that I still didn't know the name of. We were partners great just what I need.
Boy:hey what's your name
Alyssa:um its um Alyssa
He chuckled a bit
Alyssa:um so what's your name
Alyssa:I really like that name
Tyler:thanks so will you be coming back next week?
Alyssa:idk it depends on if me and my dad like the class
Tyler:oh ok
Why would he care it's not like we know each other for real I found myself wanting to go back the next week and I didn't know why. Then when I saw him I knew exactly why I wanted to come back. We were partners again and I almost broke his arm bc I didn't let go when he tapped whops. Another week went by I found myself thinking about him every passing minute.we went to class we did the same routine as always, when I got home though something was different (keep in mind I still didn't know his last name) someone named Tyler Proffitt sent me a friend request. Who is this?

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