Chapter 5

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Tw for this chapter: Mention of past drugging, talk of past abuse, talk of past starvation, talk of injuries

Techno and Phil never entered the bathroom, they knew Wilbur should help. Wilbur was becoming more attached to Tommy.

They let Tommy rest within the bath tub for a long amount of time. Wilbur sat in the bathroom, reading a book while using the candle light to see. He didn't want to leave Tommy alone, Phil and Techno understood this. The only time he left the bathroom was to tell Techno and Phil they shouldn't ask Tommy anything new until he was more stable, then he returned back to the floor.

The floor was uncomfortable, the cabinet handles were digging into his back and it smelt like cleaner in there, since the candles had no scent and they had just cleaned the bathroom the day before. But he was there for Tommy.

Tommy did fall asleep in the water within minutes however, and Wilbur let him. He couldn't focus on the book, he kept looking up to make sure Tommy hadn't slipped too far within the bath water and drowned. Wilbur went from being a hero and save hundreds of people at a time to a man on the floor of the bathroom making sure a traumatized villain wasn't drowning.

Waking up Tommy wished he did drown.

Sitting up fully Tommy didn't feel overwhelmed anymore. He took off the headphones and blinked a couple of times as he looked around.

The bath he was in was ice cold by now, the candles were nearly burnt out, and the bandages around his torso were soaked and chilly. He also saw Wilbur just sitting on the tile floor, book in his hands. But his eyes weren't on the pages but meeting Tommy's.

"Wha-" Tommy starts but his throat felt raw and it hurt. The screaming did a number on him. "What happened?" He manages to choke out. Wilbur doesn't say anything but with a blink he was gone. Tommy waited up a few seconds before with another blink he was back.

"Here sunshine." Wilbur mumbled softly, kneeling down beside the tub. He was holding a plastic water bottle, opening it and letting Tommy watch him. Wilbur knew Tommy still didn't trust them fully not to drug him or something.

Tommy was kinda glad Wilbur was taking these extra steps to make him comfortable. He had been drugged by Dream enough times.

Wilbur didn't need to know that though.

Tommy let Wilbur hold the bottle up to his lips, like he done with the cup however long ago it was. To Tommy it felt like days and days had passed since he had sipped that water, but in all reality it had been only a few hours. He had slept for at least an hour and a half, his skin was like a raisin.

"Feel better?" Wilbur asked softly as to not scare Tommy. Tommy nodded in response. "Wanna hop out and we can change your bandages?" Wilbur asks and Tommy nodded again.

With careful hands Wilbur hoisted Tommy out of the bath, carrying him back to the room he was in earlier. Not the first room he was in but the second one, the one where he had woken up being cuddled by Wilbur.

"I told Phil and Techno that we wouldn't be talking about anything you didn't want to for now okay?" Wilbur asks and Tommy just nods his head again as he's sat, still in wet boxers and bandages, straight onto a towel that is on the bed.

"'m cold." Tommy mumbles and Wilbur nods.

"I know. I'll give you some new boxers and sweatpants but I need to change your bandages and such so no shirt yet. I'll leave you to change." Wilbur says as he hands Tommy clothes. Tommy gives a small hum and once Wilbur is gone he changes.

The pants were super soft and nice, too big on his small frame. He really was skin and bone by this point. He wished he was allowed to eat more.

Dream would be mad if he knew Tommy was talking about wanting something. Dream told him it was always you get what you are given, you take what you deserve.

But Dream wasn't here, and last time Tommy had asked for breakfast he was about to get it. That was until he had a panic attack and passed out. His stomach growled remind him that he was in fact hungry.

A knock at the door spooked Tommy out of his thoughts and he heard the door creak open but didn't see anyone.

"Tommy are you done changing?" Wilbur's voice called.

"Yeah." Tommy calls back and Wilbur walks in, Techno behind him. Tommy looks at Techno.

"Techno is better at bandages and stuff, so he'll do it to make sure that it stays and isn't too tight." Wilbur explains and Tommy nods. He was confused on why Wilbur was explaining this to him, Tommy wasn't owed any explanations.

"Because it's called giving comfort and lessening anxiety." Techno says as he moves a chair next to the bed. He had a first aid kit in his hands. "Sorry, still in your head I know, but it's okay Tommy. We aren't going to hurt you and we are here to help you. We will do what we can to make you feel as safe as possible, and sometimes that means we explain why we do things even if it's not exactly needed." Techno explains.

"Sorry." Tommy mumbles but Techno shakes his head.

"Don't apologize. I'll be taking these bandages off and then putting some new ones on. And just to let you know all your bones and stuff were healed, I don't know if you remember that." Techno explains and Tommy gives him a confused look. "Did Wilbur not-" Techno starts, turning to look at Wilbur. But Wilbur teleported out of the room.

"What did he do?" Tommy asks confused. Techno sighs and turns back to him, reaching carefully towards Tommy's torso where the wet bandages sat.

"Wilbur was supposed to explain about some of the extra things around here. We have a device that can heal bones, we're working on another one to heal cuts and ripped tissue. We used it on you to heal your bones, which is probably why you feel so achy, your bones aren't used to healing that quickly." Techno explains as he peels back the bandages.

Tommy doesn't look into Techno's eyes, but instead turns away as Techno looks at his torso.

There was a missing chunk from Techno, Blood God not Techno, while ago. Then there was cuts and burns from Dream. There was bruises but those seemed to be really faded by now. His torso still looked like a burn victim survived a car crash.

"Did he do this to you?" Techno asks softly as he sprayed something on Tommy's torso. Tommy didn't answer. "I know you can't say his name but we both know who I'm talking about." Techno said as he then began to rewrap Tommy up. Tommy nodded softly, and when Techno was done, he burst out into tears.

Word count: 1200

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