My Angels

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  • Dedicated to Shade, and Shay <3 for saving me in my darkest times

there's something i need to confess

for a long time i thought all you could do in life is guess

i never believed in fate

until one certain date

the date you two walked into my life

for a long time all it was was a strife

you opened my mind and shed new light

you kept me alive and safe that dark night

that night that i wanted to die

when i looked at life and just asked why

or that night i wanted to cut open my skin

look at my end and ask when

the nights that depression would hit me

and i just wanted to flee

you are the reason I'm still around

you brought me up from the ground

took me from deaths grip

gave me that life saving tip

it changed from time to time but it didn't matter because you where there

you where the answer to a prayer

you walked into my life

you helped me put down my knife

i owe you more than i can ever show

you have helped me continue to grow

I'm always going to be here

trust me. i love you guys. i wont disappear

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