For centuries, humanity was under attack by a vicious alien species. They arrived one day in mindless hordes, blacking the sky with their ships and obliterating anyone and anything that approached them. On the verge of total defeat and surrender, our world leaders scoured the Earth to find a hero that could rid the planet of the pestilence.
They found Professor Claus von Zwerg. The mad Professor, long ago confined to a mental institution, claimed he possessed the key to mankind's salvation. Out of sheer desperation, Earth's leaders agreed to his diabolical plan.
In his lab, the Professor took a DNA sample from a captured alien, and embedded it into a nucleus of a human cell - one that he extracted from his own brain.
The result was a being that possessed such strength and agility, it could not be contained. Aptly named Square Avenger, the hybrid-mutant was given one task, and one task only - to save mankind from the alien horde.
After the Square Avenger was successful in bringing down a number of alien ships, and collecting their weapons, the Professor returned to his lab and created many more of the creatures. They banded together and attacked the alien swarms until every ship that had not been destroyed, fled from Earth and the Avengers' smoking barrels. Mankind was saved! (
Many years past...
Square Heroes
Science FictionAn brutal battle between alien players in a galactic tournament turns into a epic crusade to save the entire universe.