𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚜

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Chapter 10

...silence. That's all that surrounded me as I awoke. The room was pitch dark, and even the slightest sound would echo in the room. It was the middle of the night clearly. I must've passed out when crying on Nanami's lap earlier.

As I went to sit up, I felt some weight on me. I turned my head and saw Nanami's arm wrapped around me as we lay next to each other in bed. He must've put me in bed and fallen asleep.

Normally, most people would be freaking out if their kidnapper was laying next to them cuddling up with them. But...I really don't know how to feel right now. I don't feel disgusted in any way. I don't feel repulsed, or want to push him away. But I can't say I feel love.

It's possible I'm just touched starved and will accept anything. But also..I've never felt the need for anyone's touch. This is all so confusing to me. I need to go clear my head.

I carefully get out of bed, doing my best to not wake up Nanami. Luckily, he just rolled over to the other side without any second thought. I tip-toed to the bathroom, turned on the bathroom light, and went straight to the sink where I splashed cold water on my face.

Although it didn't do much about clearing my thoughts, it definitely woke me up a little bit. I took a look in the mirror and I looked...awful. My eye bags were getting worse and my hair was a mess.

My lips were chapped and my face was slightly bruised from the slight abuse I got yesterday from Nanami. Although I looked like a mess, I couldn't really do much about it. Nor did I really want to.

Instead, I turned off the bathroom light and left. I went to the side table where my smokes were at and went out to the patio to light one up.

It was raining outside and I found that quite comforting in a way. I lit up a cancer stick and took a long drag from it before blowing its toxic fumes out into the night sky. This..takes away my thoughts.

No thoughts, just me outside while it rains. And even though it was slightly chilly outside, I didn't mind one bit. Like the rain, I found it comforting that it was slightly chilly. Goosebumps covered my skin from the chilly weather. I was only wearing silk, black nightdress

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned my head to see Nanami coming outside on the patio. "Hey kitten, what are you doing up in the middle of the night," he asked as he lit up a cigarette and stood next to me as we leaned against the rails.

"Couldn't sleep." A simple and straight-to-the-point answer was all I could give him. Did I really want to talk to him? No. If I ignored him, would I probably get abused? Yes.

"You fell asleep while crying on my lap. I thought you would want some company while you slept, so I laid with you."

"How thoughtful." I tried to not be sarcastic but it might've come off that's way. I mentally prepared for a slap my way but...nothing. I looked over at him and he was just staring down at the people walking by on the sidewalk.

"Nanami...I know it's only been two days. But, I don't like being stuck in the house." I broke the silence between us, hoping that he wouldn't think about my earlier response too hard and hit me.

"...this weekend. Maybe if you're good we can go shopping for a new wardrobe. You're going to need one."

"If I am barely able to leave the house, why would I need clothes?" I responded and finally finished my cigarette. I put out the rest into the ashtray and sighed to myself.

"Well, good behavior gets rewarded, right? As long as you're good and listen, you'll be able to go out, with the supervision of course."

"So what would be allowed then?"

𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚜~ 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 Where stories live. Discover now