Chapter 1

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Midoryia was worried. Very worried indeed. His bully wasn't here today. They were supposed to tell each other their rank. Midoryia had been happy when he woke up this morning. He had an Alpha mark. He had the Rainbow one too. He might be quirkless, but All Might was going to change that soon, after he cleaned up the Beach. He would make his Mother proud. But where was Bakugo? He would usually be tormenting him at this time. He didn't enjoy being beat up, but he figured he deserved it. He kinda liked it anyways.(Author- Kinky~) Not in the Masochistic way, it just made him feel special. Out of all the quirkless kids In the school, he chose me to bully.
But he was still worried. Bakugo wasn't A good student, but his mom always made sure he showed up at school. Maybe he..? No, probably not, right?
He could ask his Mom to text Bakugo's mom and see what was wrong. Maybe the encounter with that villain impacted Bakugo more than he thought. Hopefully not... No, now is not the time to be thinking negative thoughts. Hopefully he is okay. The bell rang for school to start, and Bakugo came in late, wearing a mask. The teacher noticed this, and told Bakugo to have a seat and take off his mask. Bakugo replied with a "Extras aren't good enough to tell me what to do, Fuck Off." This surprised everyone in the class ; He wasn't being loud or Chaotic like usual,and he was using less profanity than usual too. Deku was standing up without realizing, and when he realized so, everyone was staring at him. He realized that he had called Kachans name. Bakugo was glaring at Deku. "What do you want, Damn Nerd?!" Bakugo's eyes were like daggers. "U-Uhm, I like your eyes!?" Deku blurted out. Bakugo face turned pink as a strawberry, and his eyes were colder than an Iceberg. "F-Fuck off Quirkless loser. Stop Mocking me." Deluxe face turned even linked than Bakugos had. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. He realized the whole class had been watching the exchange quietly. Deku bowed apologizing, A blushing mess. Bakugo rolled his eyes and sat down. The teacher threatened to send Bakugo to the Principal if he didn't take his mask off and follow dresscode rules. Bakugo walked out of the Classroom smoking from the ears. Deku made his mind up to follow him. He stood up and ran out. The teacher called out after him, but Deku didn't notice. "Damn kids these days, so disrespectful."

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