childex reader x xiao

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How did it come to this? In one moment, you were scavenging for treasure, and in the next you were sprinting downhill, running away from two dangerously powerful (and gorgeous) men. The only question is, why were they chasing you?

 'Ah, wait. I remember' you thought as you jumped across a particularly large gap in the cliff, activating your glider to lessen the impact of the landing. When your feet touched the ground, a smirk crawled its way onto your lips as you continued running on the edge of the cliff. Your smile only continued to grow when you reached into your bag and took out a particular object you had snagged minutes earlier. The one and only Geo Archon's Gnosis. You let out an airy laugh as you clutched it tighter in your hand. 

'This is gonna make me the richest treasure hoarder in Teyvat~! Such a valuable item has GOT to be at least a few million mora!' One may ask, how did you get your grubby little hands on such a treasure? Well...

The chest flew open, revealing various treasures.. That were absolutely USELESS TO YOU! "GRRAGH!" You clutched your hair in frustration, "what's it take to get ONE decent item around here!?" Screaming into the air was not going to help your cause. But as you looked at the copper artifact laying uselessly in your hand, you couldn't help but let the passing slimes know of your festering anger. Suddenly, a large BANG was heard atop the mountain you were under. 'Crap. Is somebody fighting a Ruin Guard..? They are gonna squash me with falling debris..' you thought as you dodged a rock that was about to hit you on the head. Your eyes then lit up, "maybe they were trying to open a chest-! I could nab it while they are fighting that stupid robot!" Your mood had been lifted, if a Ruin Guard was guarding the treasure there HAD to something decent. Now having the motivation to move forward, you started to climb.

Oh how you were amazingly right. The two people may have not been fighting a ruin guard.. but what they were fighting FOR was the true glory of it all. You may have failed to grab it discreetly, but hey, you didn't want to get impaled by an arrow or spear. It's not your fault the ginger dropped it right in front of you. 'Hah. What an idiot.' You chuckled to yourself as you placed the gnosis back into your bag. You looked back at the two chasing you, they were getting closer. That would have worried most people, but you had an ace up your sleeve.. The only thing was, you couldn't handle two of them at once. You needed to at least lose one of them, but how were you going to do that? 'Ah, I know.' You reached into your sleeve and grabbed a small, blue candy piece. You then popped it into your mouth and broke it between your teeth, swallowing it soon after. Your entire body started to feel light as you grew colder and more dizzy. Then, it happened, you felt yourself split. You were now running next to an exact duplicate of yourself, except the difference was that the second you was an illusion made completely of water. You looked forward, spotting a cave just a few meters away. Perfect. You ran into the cave, going the opposite direction of your clone. There were multiple pathways, so you weren't worried. Either you'd lose them both, or only one would find you.

 Skidding to a stop at a dead end, you huffed, a triumphant smile gracing your lips. "Geez, my cheeks kind of hurt from smiling so much~ haha! I'm glad I lost those two numbsk-" Before you could finish your small victory speech, a spear slammed into the wall, just a few inches from your face... yikes, that could have ended badly. "There you are, thief." A gruff voice spoke with a low growl. You sweat dropped, looking at the new comer. "Ah, so you came alone, did you?" You couldn't help but laugh internally, your hunch was right. "Be quiet." He snapped, glaring at you with something akin to anger. "You have something that doesn't belong to you, hand it over before I make you." He stepped forward, probably ready to murder you. "Hold it, shortie." You reached into your bag and took out a glowing, yellow object.. and a bomb. "If you take one more step forward, I'll detonate this lil guy." You cocked your head to the side with a playful smile, "you wouldn't want your precious gnosis to be blown up now, would you...Mr Adeptus Xiao~?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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