Character sign up base 2 - STATS

34 1 14


Agility: 9/10

Power: 10/10

Arrogant: 8/10 (meaning he's very arrogant, this isn't a good quality of his, making this one of his bad stats

Reacting to any l0v3d ones getting h^rt: 3/10 (NOT handled well

Hearing: 4/10 (Ever since an !nj^ry he hasn't been able to hear well in both ears, another bad stat

Observance: 8/10

Being able to keep calm in a situation that could make him angry or hysterical: 3/10 (not very good-

Overall: 8/10


Agility: 7/10

Power: 5/10

Arrogant: 2/10 

Reacting to any l0v3d ones getting h^rt: 3/10 (also not handled well

Hearing: 8/10 

Observance: 7/10

Being able to keep calm in a situation that could make him angry or hysterical: 5/10 

Overall: 6.9/10

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