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Bullying  - (n.) is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual.


        Bullying happens to anyone, anywhere, any time. It affects any victim in so many ways. From my experiences, I lost sleep and always feel sick. I even thought of suicide and committed to cutting once. This behavior is repeated day by day to most people. And it is almost very impossible for bullying to stop.

        I had hoped for bullying to stop. But I realized that it will never stop, not until we do something about it. We should not think that bullying will overcome our free speech and dignity. We should be more than just by-standers or a crowd. When you see someone bullied in any way, you should have that instinct to help.

        If you were bullied, you would understand how it feels to be alone, rejected, and hated. No one wants to feel those. No one wants to keep hiding from the bullies and fear itself. You should realize that people are dying through suicide and it's mostly caused by bullying and depression.

        To all those who experienced bullying same as I did, don't suffer in silence and speak to someone you can trust and you know accepts the whole you. You can write every bully incident you have had in a diary like what I did three years ago and show it to the person if you don't have the courage to say it personally. Block and report the trolls. Don't either seek for revenge because you are better than that. Best of all, smile. Keep your chin up. Be proud of who you are. You are beautiful and no matter what others say, you will always be perfect to Someone's eyes.

       Been bullied aand now I took the challenge of Wattpad's campaign of #NoMoreBullying. I dare you to take this challenge too. Be a part of the 10% people who would stand against bullying!

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