redo story

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Rayla is a ABH. ( ABH - Alien bounty hunter )

Ethan trains her so that she can blend in on planet Earth.

When Rayla turns the ring she transformed into ABH. Her outfit is a leather outfit. The leather jacket is neon pink. The leather pants are black. The shoes are black leather boots. Just picture ghost rider's outfit.

Ethan - a AI robot dog that was created by Sleven. He also turns into a human.

LL - Kelly Blatz ( Aaron stone 2009 )

Blaze Warren - cousin of Sleven. He is a retired bounty hunter. He works as a Diener in St. Endride hospital. ( a hospital i made up unless there is a hospital named Endride hospital )

LL - Henry Golding ( crazy rich Asians 2018)

old story

Rayla's P.O.V.

I woke up in garden. I started to freak out until I felt a hand on my should. My insect took over. I twisted the person's hand and elbowed the stranger . I faced the stranger and was about to kick the stranger when I gasped. The stranger said " I don't have much time. "

After he introduced himself, He said " The ring that is on your finger is keeping you a live."

" Sleven, what are you talking about."

He snaped his fingers and I saw an astro project of myself pressing on his body.

He snaped his finger again , and we were in a gazebo. After he sat down on the bench, I sat next him. He then said " I chose you because it was my sister's last wish before she died to give the ring to a girl who is honest."

Third P.O.V.

Rayla was about to take off the ring when he stop her and said " I feel my body already burning. Just hold the ring with your phone and Ethan will guide you to hide your identity as

ABH ( ABH - Alien Bounty hunter )

Rayla was about to say something when he flicked her forehead. I woke up and saw the sky. As I sat up I saw ashes on my pants. I saw a ring on my finger.

Rayla's P.O.V.

After i did what he told me as a i joke, I found myself on a spaceship. I was freaking out until someone said " Hi, I'm Ethan. Congratulations you now the owner of this spaceship and I am to assist you so that you no one can know that your a ABH."

I turned around and saw a robot person. After he explain everything to me, I said " i need time to - he flicked the side of my forehead and the next thing you know we were in the woods. I was confused and started to look for the spaceship when I heard footsteps. I turned around and was shocked to see my sister pissed.

I was bout to say something when she bend down and said "Aww . Did you found this abandon dog here."

I looked to my left and saw a American Eskimo dog next to me whipping.

When I heard his voice in my head saying he will explain everything when we are alone, I was bout to say something when my sister said " it doesn't have an owner but we can get it checked to see if it has rabbies. Mum is pissed that you went far away from the campsite."

I punch her in the arm and said " I need to take a dump I couldn't hold it. Why were pissed off."

Linka said " Let's just go."

I knew she didn't want to answer me so we went back to the camp site.

old story

Wednesday ( the last day of school and summer vacation Started)

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