bad love 1 & 2

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Chapter 1

Third P.O.V. / Author's P.O.V.

It was two in the morning and I was craving for ice cream. So I got out of bed and went down stairs and into the kitchen. As I was just about to get the ice cream out of the refrigerator, when my watch made a sound indicating that someone broke in my house. I pressed the button to stop the sound, and knocked on my refrigerator three times. When the secret door opened, I slide down the pole and that lead to the computer room. When I saw my sister's boyfriend's brother come in my room stealing something from my drawer, I pushed the red button. Which activated all things in my room will be shocked if you touch it. When I saw the him passed out on the floor, I went into the secret door that leads to my room. After I tied him to bed post, I put a chair in front of him and sat there waiting for him to wake up.

Blaze P.O.V.

It was one in the morning, me and the guys we just hanging out at Sleven's House. When I had just spun the bottle, Nick said " Dare dare or truth ."

" Like I'll be telling a truth."

Sleven said " yeah you always lie."

Jake - okay We dare you to steal a pair of lingerie.

Just as I was b bout to ask who's lingerie's do i have to steal, Nick said " Kiroo Micloven."

" uh who is she."

Sleven took out the year book and showed me the picture.

" you mean, snot girl."

Jake and Nick laughed and said " dude she your brother's s girlfriend's sister."

" oh."

fifteen minutes later .... at her house inside the room. I started to roam in her drawer after I notice that the bed was unmade. Right after I put the underwear in my pocket, I walked towards the window. As I put my hand to the window to pull it open when I got shocked. I fell on my back all paralyzed. As I tried to take out my phone, someone was blocking my view and said " nightly night."

I then blacked out.

Kiroo P.O.V.

I sat on the chair that was facing him. In the middle of my game on my phone, he groaned. I stopped my game and said " good your up boy, I thought I would have to take you to the hospital."

" what the f*** do you want."

" geeezz, Look boy.. Just answer me why the f*** did you steal my underwear."

" maybe I like to steal people's under wear."


I twirled my hair and said "If you just corporate.... I won't have to shoot your br-

It Girl - Jason Derulo

I went to my computer that on my desk and pressed a few buttons. When I saw that it was my cousin at my door step about to press door bell. I called her up.

Tay P.O.V.

I woke up and suck out of my boyfriend's house before he could wake up. You see I 'm a person who does the one night stands. When I looked at the time I notice that It was four in my morning and parents think I'm at a sleepover at Kiroo's house. I got into my car and decide to wake her up and see if we can go do something crazy. Just as I'm about to ring her doorbell, my phone rang.

That's Not My Name - The ting things

I picked it and answer it.

" Don't ring the door bell."

" why?"

" police active alarm when I call you back."

After she hung up, I went to my car and sat in my car waiting for her call.

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