Chapter 2

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the doorknob turned as the door opened. Dustin kissed max as max felt his cheeks warm up, indicating that he was blushing. he saw a hand before he closed his eyes, then the sound of somebody smacking someone. "Dustin! How could you!" Blair yelled, dustin stepping infront of max, smiling at him before turning around. "he looks WAY better than you" the two chuckled. "thats not a reason to cheat on someone! plus you just met him!" Blair yelled. "apparently Max looks better than me? you just met him and asked him out. yet your mad at me?" dustin asked. "max!? you told him, you bitch?" Blair Yelled. "watch your mouth about him!" Dustin yelled. "yeah. or you'll get punished again-- DUSTIN?" yelled this random guy. "you did cheat on me! and with--- Chase!?" dustin yelled. "why are you protecting this new guy anyways?" chase asked. "you know I'll end up fucking him so what's the point?" chase added. max hid behind dustin, more uncomfortability and its only been an hour since the last. "I don't think you will" dustin said. "and why? I get EVERYONE?" chase stated, it was half of a question and half of a brag. "because hes different, like me. hes smart enough to know not to. and your ugly" dustin said, max laughing but Blair and chase getting offended. "any hookup of mine shall not be ugly!" Blair said. "yeah man, i'll fucking fight you!" Chase proclaimed, but he didn't look like he could fight even a toddler without ending up in the hospital. "bet" dustin said, basically challenging Chase. "I'll blow you to pieces!" chase yelled, angry. "not if I have a say!" dustin yelled back. they ended up having a fight with Max and Blair on opposite sides to watch. Blair kept trying to get closer to Max while watching, but Max kept moving over and away, making sure he didnt back himself into a corner. at the end chase was on the ground, beaten up. "it wouldn't have gone to this if you would just date me!" Blair yelled at Max. dustin looked at max, his eyes begging for permission to say a comeback that he knew Blair would hate, and max nodded in response. "why would he date you if hes gay? its simple. your not a man" dustin said. "but he would date YOU" Blair argued. "at least hes better than a cheating bitch" Max added, looking at dustin, who nodded proudly. "h--" Blair started. "come on max. we're done here. the cleanup crew is coming to cleanup this trash" dustin pointed at Blair while walking away. max chuckled. "NOT FUNNY" Blair yelled, but the two were too far away to hear her. "headmaster has informed all of your teachers that today you won't be going, so you start tomorrow." dustin said. "sweet." max said.

 "wanna go somewhere?" dustin asked. "sure" max said. dustin led him to this spot by the lake. "this is cool" max said. "its where I go to calm myself down" dustin said. "what could make you angry?" max asked. "Blair. she has been cheating. every guy I meet she tries to hit on them, it didn't work for 3 of them." dustin replied. "who were the three of them?" max asked. "you, Cole Jenkins, and my twin brother, Justin Soro" dustin replied taking a short breath. the two stared in the distance, as max turned his head to see dustin. what was not to adore about him? he had blonde hair, yet it looked as it was a cartoony yellow. his green eyes matched with the grass they both sat on. they were perfect together, even know they just met. before max knew it, dustin kissed him. after a while max was laying on dustin, and they were watching the sunset. "we have been here all day" max said. "do you think we should go to bed?" dustin said. "well, I think you should kiss me but--" he got interrupted by a switch of positions and a kiss. max was laying down, on the grass now, and dustin was in a push-up position ontop of max. they were kissing and and it got into a make-out session. "dustin?" someone asked. they stopped and sat up to see Blair. "HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GONNA CHEAT ON ME WITH THAT SCRUB?" Blair yelled. "I came to apologize and here you are!"she added. "you only care about getting fucked! you don't like me! you said it yourself 'I only like to get fucked Bryan! so stop being a scaredy-cat and get on me!', 'what about dustin?' 'he doesn't matter, I don't like him anyways'" dustin reinacted a scene. they were arguing then max came up with something. "im going to tell everyone your gayer then Cole" Blair said, but before she left "Blair this is weird for you, your usually spreading your legs not spreading rumours" max said. dustin started laughing, infact he started wheezing. "I-its not funny!" she yelled running away. "the truth cant always be funny!" max yelled back. "that was he best" dustin said "you knew what was right to do" he added. max nodded. 

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