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  • Dedicated to Symba and Snickers, my pets

Chapter 1                                                                         

I tromped down my family's freshly carpeted stairs, scanning what I could see of the basement. No mom, dad, or brother in sight, I thought. Mom was probably giving a child a checkup, and Dad was probably at someone's house, putting out roaring, hungry flames. They wouldn't be home until later that night. Mitchell was at his friend’s  house for a sleepover. I pushed my glasses farther up my nose and sighed heavily. It was up to me to make my own supper. But I was used to this. I didn't mind it, but I wished my parents were home more often.

     I dragged my feet over to my blue and silver ocean themed room. It didn't fit my 'style' anymore. I mean I love the colors. I love ocean life. But I absolutely adore wolves. 3/4 of everything I own has a wolf on it or is a wolf. I've been begging my parents for a wolf and forest theme room since Christmas. If I could, I'd have a wolf as a pet. I turned on the tv and watched for a while, texting my friends, happy that school was starting later that year. A little while later the phone rang. I sprang up and rushed to grab it.

     It was Mrs. Winslow from down the street. They had a one story house that resembled my family's home, as it did the other homes on the street. She had an adorable 6 year old daughter named Sadie. I loved Sadie like a little sister, a little sister I had wanted but never got. But I enjoyed when I babysat Sadie, mainly because I got to spend time with her.                                     


     "Hello Melody, I know it's last minute but will you watch Sadie tonight? I have to go on an overnight business trip and her father is out of state."                                               

     "I'd love to. I'll be over in about 10 minutes."                              

 "Thank you, Melody. You're a lifesaver".                                 

I dashed down the steps to my bedroom. I threw a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, a book, brush, toothbrush, a puzzle and a pair of pajamas into a bag. I put my cellphone and iPod in my pocket. I grabbed the house phone and left messages on my parents' cellphones. I threw on my favorite and warmest sweater to beat the early September chill. I went out the door, making sure it locked. 

     While I walked, I thought about my birthday party. I had begged my parents until they finally  let me have a swimming party. I was elated. I loved water, so I swam whenever I got the chance. I had invited 5 friends, including my best friend, Harmony. We did everything together, like riding Harmony's horses, Smiles and Chrys. We fit together like a melody and a harmony in a song. Another plus about my party was that it was the day of my actual birthday, September 13, a Saturday and it was my golden birthday. I smiled. I would be 13 in two days.                                 

     I walked up the porch steps that belonged to the Winslow's. I knocked and Mrs. Winslow showed up, a duffle bag in hand.                                                             

         "Oh good, Melody, you're here. Come in." She gestured inside. "You can sleep in the guest room next to Sadie's. Sadie can have two cookies or one ice cream sandwich after supper and should be in bed, asleep by 9 o'clock.                                                     

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