my one and only

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it's crazy how we met all because of one person connected to our friends but this isn't about her it's about us me and you we met because of rachel and now I can truly thank my bro for meeting her because now I have you the highlight of my day the excuse for staying home my reason for happiness I catch my self smiling and find out I was thinking of you I could wait all day just to hear your voice and I could stay up all night listening to you talk and laugh and yawn but I would give you the universe if you wanted it I would give my life to keep you breathing I'd rush to your side if you asked me to and my bro says I'm wrapped around your finger but it's better than not having anyone I was so alone before you came and now my chest feels solid like it was void before and i am grateful to you I wish I could just lay all day looking up at the sky with you on a nice Sunday evening just so I could kiss you when the sun sets I promise the day will come when I can give you all of this it's not right now but it will be soon and it doesn't matter if your a model it doesn't matter if you have an untreatable disease I would still love you till my demise and you are my model even if no one else sees it I just want you to stay you through all the hate and deceit you'll always have me so please don't ever think that I would ever cheat because I would rather jump in a shark tank than hurt you and your perfect just the way you are ever thing about you makes me smile and it makes me happy when you text me good morning I only wish I could look you in the eyes and say it back but till then just wait I'll make it happen one of these days so I guess I've wrote enough this is for you my little mouse I love you

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