Chapter 1

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Shouta and Hizashi have been wanting to Foster a child for a while now and end up adopting one now they can't believe it was happening ever since they got married they always talked about it. Now they finally have the time while still both being a teacher for U.A and Hizashi having his Radio show everything was going great at first. They definitely are not a fan on how this lady described some of the children.

After the lady had them answer some questions she made a not so kind face from the child who showed up on the screen "Looks like there is one kid here but I'm not sure it's a good idea he's really just too much trouble " the lady told them while starting to open his file. Hizashi had a some what confused look on his face from the name " what exactly do you mean by that" he asked looking at her "he's just more trouble then he seems there are multiple reports from old homes who claim he attempted to use his quirk on them" she told them reading off of his file

"Well from what my quirk is that really isn't that hard to get taken care of what Is his quirk anyways" Shouta asks sounding annoyed. "Well I get that but still it might not be the best dealing with his villain quirk he's dangerous it's brainwashing" The lady replied to him. As soon as she said the words "villain quirk" both Shouta and Hizashi looked up at her quickly. " excuse me but did you just call an eleven year old a villain because of his quirk" Shouta asked with more annoyance in his voice looking her in the eyes while Hizashi had a surprised look on his face.

"While I do agree it's not my words just reading off the reports that were left" she replied calmly. Shouta and Hizashi gave each other a look they both knew the best thing to do was to try and be able to have him in their care. "Yeah we are one hundred percent sure we would like to take him in" Hizashi spoke up. "Alright if you say so I will make a call and let them know and his case worker will have him over in about two hours does that work" she looked back up before getting ready to call them. "Yes that works perfectly" They both agreed and made their way back home to do some extra touch ups to the bedroom for the child.

Hitoshi is nervous to say the least it's not like he isn't happy to get out of this place he just didn't like being from house to house every other week or month.He finished packing pretty quickly it wasn't like he owned much plus the only really important thing he needed  was a picture of him with his birth parents when  he was around four or five he couldn't really remember. Now it was just a waiting game and some time to prepare himself a new home and that means new expectations and rules. Then again there is one rule every home always has or at least he thought so "no asking questions" it didn't surprise him anymore it wasn't like he talked much anyways anymore so it was easy enough to follow .

After an hour after being informed his caseworker came to take him to his new home. The ride was a little awkward but nice Hitoshi kinda liked her she never would care if he talked and she would always try and start conversations with him. "Hey buddy how are you feeling" she asked glancing at him Through the car mirror. Hitoshi just shrugged his shoulders while looking out the window. "You know....they are good people..try not to worry too much" she said trying to lighten the mood before they got to the house since it was a few minutes away. "Yeah..sure" he mumbles not looking away from the window.

Once they pulled up Shinsou opened the car door and held a small trash bag holding his things waiting for the people to answer the door . Then before he knew it his case worker was leaving and he was standing awkwardly in the living room. He took a moment to look around the room the place was clean and had a nice smell nothing like the old place that usually smelled like cigarettes.

"Alright Shinsou why don't you follow me and I can show you your new room while Shouta finishes up dinner" Hizashi smiled and once Shinsou had shook his head in agreement he starting walking. "Here it is it's not much with decorations yet cause we want you to be able to decorate it however you'd like." Shinsou looked around the bedroom it was much bigger then any room he has had before there was a bed,desk,and a dresser that might looked like normal for other people but not Hitoshi. First of all this was the kind of room he would have to share with two or three other people never all to himself. Second of all it was never this nice usually old dirty hand me down blankets things like that.

"Oh and this won't do" Hizashi said talking about the trash bag he was holding. "How about I wash your clothes and then you can put them in your dresser alright?" Shinsou was  hesitant at first he  never unpacked everything the first day in a new home or had someone offer that to him. "sure" Hitoshi said handing the bag up to him. "Alright and  if you have any questions let me or shouta know we would love to answer any that you have " Hizashi said happily before going  to leave but stoped after Hitoshi talked once more

"Do you mean it" he said softly looking at Hizashi. "Yes we both mean it you can ask us any questions you got" Hizashi said smiling he knew how people acted to him cause of his quirk and wanted him to know that won't happen here and that he is loved. "okay thank you" he said softly Hizashi could barely hear him. With that he smiled one more time at the child before he left with the kids clothes to wash

About and hour after that Hizashi was walking back to Hitoshi's room with his clothes folded in a basket there wasn't much but that was fine they would take him shopping soon. He knocked on the door to make Hitoshi realize he was there.  Hitoshi looked up from playing with the cat to see Hizashi holding a basket with his clothes inside all cleaned. He watched Hizashi set it down the the side of his bed and sat at the foot of the bed. "Oh looks like you found jelly she loves getting attention" Hizashi said while petting the cat . "I like cats especially the fluffy ones like her" Hitoshi said quietly.Hizashi quickly figured out Shinsou was shy buts that's was what to expect  especially from his pass.

"Well that's perfect then cause it looks like jelly really likes you" Hizashi was happy that Hitoshi was talking a little more then at first. "Dinner should be about done how about we go and look" Hizashi holds out his hand and Hitoshi hesitantly held his hand and walked to the kitchen with him. "Hey Hitoshi you like ramen right" Shouta asked while setting the table. He sees Hitoshi nod out of the corner of his eyes"well perfect cause that's what we are having". He knew the answer was probably gonna be yes he wanted to cook something he knew most likely every child likes.

Shouta watched Hitoshi happily sit at the table with the help of Hizashi. Shouta got everyone their food and then set down next to Hitoshi. "Hitoshi after dinner would you like to watch a movie" Shouta asks looking at Hitoshi. He was too nervous to look up at him so he only nodded his head. "Alright well you can pick out whatever you want to watch" Shouta Reassured him then continued to eat.

After everyone finished they were sitting on the couch Hitoshi sitting in the middle of them. During the middle of the movie Hitoshi started falling asleep  but tried his best to stay awake.Once  he  layed his head on shouta's shoulder before he knew it he was sound asleep.

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