Chapter 2

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Hitoshi sat up confused rubbing his eyes trying to remember how he got to his bed. The last thing he can remember is watching a movie with his new care takers. He realizes one of them must have brought him in here it was a lot more comfortable then the other rooms he had been in. He started getting angry at himself he couldn't believe he let his guard down so quickly. Then again this was one of the best smelling and just over all cleanest house he had been in.

This isn't his normal his normal is getting in trouble for talking not being asked to talk. He's not use to being asked what kind of food he likes or what show he wants to watch. His normal is dealing with it he has never got to choose anything that has happened in his life and now he apparently can. It all just seems too good to be true. In any other home there is no way an adult is fine with his quirk they usually refused to respond to anything he says.

Don't even get him started about him having his own room that never even crossed his mind. He was always crowded with other kids never getting any space. Now he has so much space he doesn't even know what to do with it. Hitoshi looked down and remembered the basket of clothes. That was another thing unheard of someone offering to help him clean his stuff.

A few minutes later he decided to get up and get ready. He wore a random shirt under his hoodie then put on some jeans. He was looking at the basket of clothes remembering he needed to put the clothes away so he can have the basket back. He quickly put away the clothes. It wasn't like there was much anyways. In total eight shirts and three pair of pants then one hoodie. He didn't mind it was better packing light anyways.

He felt like he was missing something then it hit him like a brick wall. He forgot to take that picture he had of his birth mom out of the bag it was the only thing he had of her it had to of been long gone by now. He didn't know what to do so he just shut down. He sat back on the bed his back against the wall and knees to his chest. He lays his head down crying into his arms. He tried not to be too loud but that didn't work because a few minutes after he was crying Aizawa knocked softly letting him be aware he was there for going in.
Aizawa had been up for about an hour Hizashi left for his Radio show and he wanted to be awake when Hitoshi was. He could hear The dresser opening and closing so he just figured he was putting away his things but then a little later he could hear him crying. He when to check on him knocking on the door before going in his room.

Shouta walked over to him and sat down on the bed. "Hey Hitoshi its alright take some deep breaths then can you tell me what happened" he said softly. He watched as he tried to control his breathing having more heavy breaths every so often. Shouta started to rub Hitoshi's back not wanting to Startle him with an unexpected hug or something. Before Shouta could say anything else Hitoshi wrapped his arms on his side the best he could with his short arms Shouta could tell the boy needed some comfort in whatever he is upset about.

"It's gone it's all gone now" Hitoshi talked into Aizawa sleeve. He could just hear what Hitoshi was saying. "Hm what are you talking about what's gone" He asked while picking up Hitoshi and sitting him on his lap so he can hear him more clearly and still comfort the boy. "My picture it's gone I want it back" He saw the boys eyes filling up with tears again. Shouta was confused then figured out what he ment.

"Toshi you mean that picture in that trash bag huh I was gonna give it to you when you woke up Hizashi forgot to give it back with your clothes it's alright I promise" Shouta was scratching his back to comfort him and it was working for the most part. Hitoshi looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "Do you mean it the picture..its ok." He asked wiping away his tears.

"Yeah it is here let's go get it" Shouta stood up with Hitoshi still in his arms and went to the living grabbing it off the bookshelf where he put it so it wouldn't get messed up."look toshi it's still in the plastic bad you left it in it was on top of everything I would never even think about taking that memory away from you" he let Hitoshi take the picture and saw him smiling. It did however take him a while to calm himself down. Aizawa gave him one last hug before sitting him down. Go finish getting ready like brushing your teeth and hair then we can get going.
Saying Hitoshi was happy was an understatement he was so excited his picture was fine. He looked at Aizawa confused "where are you going "he asked but then immediately regretted it how could he let himself slip up like that he told himself. He was more confused then worried when he answered with no hesitation at all. "To the store you can pick out some room decorations and we can get some more clothes"

He was a little worried but left to finish getting ready. He wasn't too big of a fan of being around so many people at once it school was hard enough. After about ten minutes he came back to aizawa who was waiting in the living room for him. "Hey toshi are you ready" Aizawa said standing up and grabbing his keys. Then it hit him he has a nickname now a good one too not involving any bad names others have used before. He liked the nickname toshi.

"Mhm I'm all ready to go" He walked with aizawa and got into the backseat of the car looking out the window as aizawa drove. "do you have any ideas on the decorations you want" aizawa asked him doing his best to start a conversation with him he knew the kid didn't like asking questions or would get really nervous when he had to. "no I've never really done anything like this before" he replied nervously not taking he eyes away from the window.

"Well that's fine just let me know if you see something you like and we can go from there" Hitoshi just shook his head in agreement watching the buildings fly by out the window. Aizawa knew todays start wasn't good but he was gonna do everything in his power to make him just a little more happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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