Bloomex Review - The Change In Trends Of Corporate Gifting

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Everybody likes to be appreciated. Employees work hard for the growth of the company. A little morale boost from the company can mean a lot. Corporate gifting is the method to enhance the employee-employer relationship. The pandemic has forced people to stay away from their offices and friends. The companies send out gits to their employees to show them the care they deserve. There has been an upward trend in online gifting orders. If you cannot be with family and friends for an occasion, you can send them gifts through various online portals like Bloomex Review. There has been a substantial change in the trends of corporate gifting.

The following change in trends observed throughout the world:

Personalized gifting: The corporates used to give out generalized gifts to their employees on festivals and occasions. The companies have moved to personalized gifting for their employees. The companies make an effort to know the employee before sending out the gifts. Each employee receives unique gifts from the company. The change in trend has come into effect due to the pandemic. Companies from time to time want their employees to know that they are unique. The employees receive gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and festivals.

The gifting budget increased: With employees working from home, the company saves a lot of overhead expenses. The company spends a part of the saved expenses to make the employees feel special. Employee satisfaction has become a vital factor for companies. The companies are happy because they have to spend lesser on overhead costs and the employees are happy because they receive gifts from the company. Most companies have doubled their gifting budget. The budget for each gift has increased.

Value-based gifting: Earlier companies would gift whatever the budget allowed them. Now they have realized that gifts are supposed to mean something. Giving mindless gifts to the employees will not make them happy. The corporates are looking for gifts that add some value to the employee. Corporates choose insulated flasks rather than simple plastic bottles. Packaging adds value to the present. Companies are looking at different packaging options to make their presents more presentable. A beautiful-looking gift is half the battle won. Corporates also choose to present gift cards. Gifts cards give the employees the freedom to choose a gift at their discretion.

A shift towards sustainable gifts: The pandemic has taught us the importance of clean air and the environment. People choose to gift indoor plants to their loved ones. Most of these plants have medicinal value or purify the air. Corporates are looking for companies that provide plastic-free gifts. There is a conscious shift to eco-friendly gifts. There are gifts made from bamboo, hand-made paper, etc. The corporates are looking to reduce their carbon footprints.

Deciding on a gift becomes difficult. Bloomex is a one-stop-shop for all your corporate gifting problems. They customize presents as per the preference of the customers. They are also available online to take orders. Bloomex ensures that the gifts reach the loved ones on time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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