Found by the Enemy

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Luce's POV

I cowered in that utility room for what seemed like hours.
I was in hell.

'No... he doesn't love me! he never WILL! WHAT MADE YOU THINK YOU HAD A CHANCE!?'

One thing you should know about me:
Never leave me alone with myself. I am the worst comfort, especially towards myself.
Me, myself and I just don't get along.

Finally I ran out of tears to shed. I couldn't feel anything anymore.

So I...


Without a thought in my silly little head I got back up. Back on my two feet.

I stumbled over to the bows and arrows.

Bringing my shaky hands towards one of the sharpest arrows... I... clutched it in my quivering hand.

Whilst taking a big gulp I walked back over to the wall and leant up against it.

My mind running wild, questioning, debating, clarifying. 'do... I really want to do this?'
My hand was spasming.

All I could feel was numbness... nothing.

No more tears left... I'd rather hurt, than feel nothing at all...

Cody's POV

I skidded down the corridors, checking every classroom, every toilet, every locker... Everywhere.

Asking a bunch of people was useless.

No one knew Luce.

Not even me...

The entire school now knew Luce's name, I had asked everybody "have you seen Luce?" or "where's Luce?"

I'd finally given up. Luce was gone.

'Hey... I haven't asked those guys.'

I couple of boys who seemed pretty peeved off, one with coffee spilt all down his top all muttered hateful words of an "idiotic small boy" or "brat".

"YOU!" I called out to him and found myself face to face, in a matter of seconds.

"Heh?" He snorted and shrugged, as his eyes widened in annoyance.

"That boy you're talking about, where did he go?!" I grabbed onto his upper arms and shook him.

"A-ahh... I think around the gym... I don't know! what's your problem?" He frowned at me and jerked himself away.

Without another word I ran off to the gym.

As soon as I made it... it was empty.

School was practically over so no one was there, the lights were turned off, the only sound that could be heard was the echo from my shoes that squeaked up against the shiny floor.

Something struck me... I had to get something out of my system.

'Lets do this...' I flicked the lights on.

I sprinted towards the basket of basketballs and swiped one out.

"He goes for it... he snatches the ball out of the opposing teams hands. Oh they're screwed now!" I commentated my own 'game'.

"Cody dribbles the ball up the court, now completely sustaining control over, we all have high hopes for him now!"

I continued to do this until I slam dunked it.

"He goes in for the shot... he's gaining on it... getting reading to aim... and..."

I jumped up as high as I could and slammed the ball through the hoop without much hesitation.

"And he SCORES!" I exclaimed as I landed back onto my feet, swift as a cat.

'I'm worn out...' I could shoot hoops all day, but this day was particularly tough...

All I could think of while scoring that point...

Was Luce.

What would he do if he saw me do it? would he admire me? hug me? embrace me... or... kiss me?

No... 'he hates me now.'

I reclined against the wall... the one just on the other side of the utility room.

I swear... I could hear... whimpering.

Someone was crying... or so I thought.

'Ouch... my chest hurts.' I clutched my heart in my hand. It ached like never before.

Something happened... something that hadn't happened for a while. Actually... the last time it happened was when I was in the art room with Luce... just hours ago.

A tear... exited through my eyes, and spilt onto my cheek. It dripped down until dampening my shirt.

"No..." I quietly sobbed and wiped it away as fast as I could, but it was soon replaced by yet another... before I knew it... several tears jerked out.

"Luce..." I gasped to myself.

'I have to say it aloud... or I won't be able to stop...'

"I love you Luce... I... L..."

I paused for a moment... as I swear I could hear the same, being repeated to me.


All the room was filled with was crying and utters of sweet words... I knew he was close.

Yet we staying silent for a while.


'W-what was that?'

Luce's POV

From behind the wall I could hear the squeaks of the gymnasium floor... someone was there.

Still holding the arrow in my hand, I had stopped bringing it closer to my wrists.

The lights switched on all too suddenly.

-Cody plays basketball-

'Cody!? it's him! It has to be!'

There was a slither of light coming from a crack in the wall.

I tentatively brought my eye to it... it was him.

Stunning as usual and giving it his best. 'I want to hug him, embrace him... kiss him...'

I admired him for ages, until realising how out of breath he was. 'he looks so down...'

He let the ball bounce away after scoring a perfect shot.

'Ah!' He was coming towards the wall... just dividing us from one another. He leant his back up against where I was.

He... was crying...

I knew it... this was all my fault.

I couldn't help but start sobbing again... the two of us crybabies together.

"I love you Luce... I... L..."

My heart stopped.

Bad-ump. Badump... Badump... Badum... Badu... Bad... Ba... b...

Then all of a sudden grew fast. Picking up more of an irregular pace.

"I love you Cody..." I whispered, hoping... maybe he would hear.

For a while we sat in silence. Sniffles and tiny sobs that spewed out of us, was the only noise that filled our presence.

That was until...

The door swung open.

'I thought I locked it!'

I dropped the arrow straight away...


'No... fucking... way...'

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