Something is different...

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Boboiboy pov- 

After fighting Retak'ka my body feels heavy it feels different  and I fell back into the ice cold water ....

My body froze and my eyesight blurred and the light shins Dimmer until I can only see my friend swimming closer and yelling... until every thing goes black....

Time skip-                                                                                                                                           

Three days later- 

A bright light flash onto my face and I can see a bed.... And a old man?

"Boboiboy you are finally awake you been asleep for years!" Said the man

"Wait gopal is that you !" I yelled 

"Yes we been waiting for years" said gopal

He said I been asleep for years!? What!? How?!

"Gopal stop scaring him! you did this last time too!" Yelled yaya

Wait.... Yeah! how can I be so dumb he did this once before!

"It's okay yaya.." I said as I tried to get up.... Key word tried...

As I got up I felt a wave of heat on my body... it was different than normal it felt stronger and I fell back on the bed... with my eyes haft open.

"Boboiboy!" They yelled as they ran next to my limp body that is unable to move 

"I'm fine..." I said my voice small and dry

"No your not! Your head feels hot!" Ying yelled as yaya ran to get a doctor

They keep me on the bed and don't let me get up as a doctor came in and checked on me. 

I can see their eye widen as they check my temperature.

"This is impossible...." They whispered as they put down the things they were holding

"What is?" Said fangs as he walked closer to the doctor 

"his fever is way too high to be a fever it's over 200°F" the doctor said

"How is that possible!?" Yelled gopal

"I don't know but he needs to stay here for daily check ups" said the doctor 

I, who was barely in control of my own body was listening in on what they were saying and how  shocked i was on how high my fever is...

Even though I don't have energy to get up or even move I can feel that something in me is different and I planned on figuring it out...

End of boboiboy pov-

Fang pov-

How did boboiboy become so sick I thought that humans can't get a fever that high..

What if it kills him and he will be gone forever... humans are weak compared to aliens like me..

"Fang are you ok?" Yaya said

"No, I am fine..." I said took at yaya

"That's good..." yaya said with a sad smile

"Do you think that boboiboy can die because of the fever... because aliens like me can hardly even take that high of a fever let alone you humans can.." I said with one breath 

"..... I don't know fang we are all worried....but we know that he will not leave us we need to trust him ok" yaya said looking down 

"Yeah... I guess you're right" I said a small smile can be seen

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