The exorcise

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~Applejack's POV~
There was silence between us but it was mostly a comfortable silence. The laughs we shared with each other this morning was filling the emptiness that I felt. It was pretty warm outside since it was almost summer and it was green everywhere.
"Do you remember the time when we played in the snow?" Rarity said out of no where, pretty much scaring me.
"Huh?" I didn't quite understand her question, we have played plenty in the snow.
She giggled "Do you remember when we used to build walls of snow, then having a snowball fight?" She asked yet another question.
"Yea, you always lost" I chuckled. I looked back at her with a grin. She look offended, but more in a joking way. "Hey! I did actually beat you once!" She crossed her arms. "Only because you cheated..seriously what is it with you and cheating?" I mumbled under my breath but I am pretty sure she heard it. "Oh my goodness, I WAS NOT CHEATING!" She slightly hit my arm. "How do you explain how you won?" I grinned. "Maybe because I am good?" She said is all seriousness. I just looked at her and started laughing uncontrollably. Soon after she started laughing with me. "I was good!" She blurt out. I shook my head. "No, you were pretty terrible." I said. She sighed in defeat. "Yea I was."

We where finally at canterlot high school every student where going inside, it was pretty late class was starting soon. Rarity and I went separate ways, not because we don't wanna hang out but mostly because how weird would it look if a popular girl like her would hang out with the new girl?
"HEY APPLEJACK!" Pinkie pie came out of no where and scared me half to death. "JESUS PINKIE, do you do this every morning?!" I put my hand over chest. "No not really, I just couldn't help to see that you where walking with Rarity too school" she gave me a grin and I just rolled my eyes. " yea, so?" I rise a eyebrow. "Nothing just, I thought you didn't like her"  She shrugged. "I mean she is my friend you know" I said. Soon pretty much everyone of my friends were here and we were heading to class. Pinkie and Rainbow kept talking about video games, their tactics and how they were going to win. Me and the others were pretty clueless about what was going on.
"Bye guys! See ya later" rainbow and twilight were heading off to math, while I went to my locker. Nothing out of the ordinary happened but when I was taking my books out of the locker my eyes saw a glint of something purple, obviously it was Rarity but she wasn't alone. There was a guy there too, they were laughing and talking to each other. I don't know why but I felt weird in way, in a way i've never felt before. It hurt in a funny and sad way. Seeing him with her made me angry and I don't know why. The way she laughed at his jokes and smiling at him made me very mad. Wait why do I care?
I didn't realize how long I was staring until the bell rang and it startled me, so I grabbed my books and headed off acting like I just didn't see that. In class I didn't say or do much, even though this is my favorite class. I just couldn't stop thinking about what I saw and then I started overthinking it. Like I've seen Rarity with guys before and it wasn't a big deal, but why would I all of the sudden be this angry? You know who's probably nothing.

~Rarity's POV~
Class was so boring today but when isn't it? It has been very awkward with me and my friends but I couldn't care less, I have other friends! Or well I think I do? Applejack is my friend right? I mean we were friends and we are STILL friends, right? Well I hope so...she's real nice.
It's almost PE and we were gonna do all those annoying things like push ups, hopscotch and etc. I was not not looking for it! But Applejack was in my class so it made it a little more bearable. I gathered my things from my locker and headed my way to class.

-Time skip-

Everyone headed to the gym and I was pretty nervous of what kind of activities we were gonna do. I am not an athlete! We were all standing in front of the teacher when he said. "So class today we're doing different activities which you will be doing in pairs. There are 5 stations so every 10 minutes you switch activities, until you are back where you started! So everyone get in to groups of 2-4." This made my nervous since my so called friends already was in pairs, not that I cared since I didn't wanna be with them anyways. But..I don't wanna be alone either. I started slightly panic since I didn't know who to join, I got interrupted in my thoughts when Applejack asked me a question. I didn't even realize she was in-front of me.
"So you wanna be together or nah?"
I looked up at her and smiled.
"Why of course!" I was delighted that she wanted to be in the same group as me, that must really make us friends.

We started at the first station which was push ups which was extremely exhausting! I am all for a good workout but this is ridiculous. Applejack didn't seem to have a problem at all, she was doing push ups like absolutely nothing!
I how ever, was struggling.
"You need any help?" Applejack said while looking down at me, trying not to laugh.
I just laid on the ground breathing loudly, it was very exhausting. "I...hate...this...shit" I said in between breaths. I do not usually curse but at this time I couldn't care less. Applejack though seemed pretty surprised.
She smiled and then decided to lay next too me. "You can quit..making fun...of me now" I said as I was laying on the dirty gym floor. Applejack just chuckled. "I didn't say anything" she said and looked at me.
I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah well, your tone is saying a lot" I sat up. "I get it, i'm a pathetic woman who can't even do a push up".
Applejack also sat up and put her arm around me. "Y'all are many things but not pathetic, come on I will teach you"
Before I could respond I heard someone scream my name, it was the guy from before, Asher.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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