Chapter 22

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           Detective Tillis watched the cameras, specifically the ones placed in the room with the holding cells. Michael sat unconscious, but she wasn't worried about him. She waited for Ennard, refusing to blink until she saw something.

"Tillis, look." The security guard pointed at the monitor.

          Tillis went wide eyed, the lights in the holding cell room flickered. She squinted, watching closely.

"Wait wait, why are the cameras bugging out?" Tillis asked, desperately clicking to have them settle.

"Didn't this happen to Freddy's camera footage?" The guard asked, leaning back and getting out of Tillis's way.

          The cameras went out, only static could be seen. Tillis waited patiently for them to turn back on. When they did, Michael was still sitting up against the wall, but now we had blood dripping from his mouth.

"There!" Tillis pointed at the monitor, noticing the room's vent cover was open just at the corner of the screen.

          She turned her attention to the ventilation systems, watching as movement was detected.

"Turn on the sound lure." Tillis said.

          The guard rushed to click the button, playing the lure.

"This isn't going to work." The guard grunted.

          The figure moved towards the sound and Tillis looked back, grinning.

"Oh yeah?" She turned back, watching closely. "We'll trap him in the vents, wait till he reaches the marker."

          They both watched closely as the detection moved closer and closer to the marker. Tillis held up a hand, having the guard at the ready.

"Now!" Tillis said. The guard pressed two buttons, blocking the vent escapee from moving any further.

"D-da-mn it-t!" Ennard hissed, moving around desperately in the cramped space.

          Tillis heard Ennard's voice echo through the vents, clapping her hands and patting the guard on the shoulder.

"Nice one. Here I was thinking you weren't capable." Tillis said. The guard rolled his eyes.

"How did you even know that thing would try to escape through the vents?" He asked.

"Henry," Tillis said, grabbing her uniform jacket. "Call Susan, tell her we got what she wanted. I'm going to tell William we have his son, hopefully he won't mind the drive."


"Finn Emerson, recently went missing at Freddy's." Talon said, looking at the recent news.

          Ellie and Talon were in Michael's dorm, looking through his stuff hoping to get some answers.

"Finn? Wait, he's missing?" Ellie asked, sitting on the second unused bed.

"Yeah," Talon said, handing her the paper.

          She looked over it, staring at the image of the guy's face.

"Same with this store owner." Talon said, handing her another article.

"'Some other kid before me'.." Ellie quoted Michael.

"What?" Talon asked.

"Some kid killed himself because-" She stopped herself. She still hadn't told Talon about Ennard. "Well I don't know, but Michael said something about it."

"Oh, that's dark." He said.

"So you think that's what this is about? He's a suspect?"

          Talon shrugged, sprawling out on the floor. "I don't know, but why do you care? Michael will be back soon enough and then he'll explain everything."


          Ennard struggled, chains weaved into his arms. He tried to pull away, but his arms were held out wide, giving him no strength. He tried to swing to maneuver out, but his legs were chained too.

          Now seeing him on his own, he was a mass of wires. He had no protection, an animatronic without a shell. This made him vulnerable to anyone who had any knowledge of robotics. His clown looking mask hid his recognizable endoskeleton face. He truly looked like a half finished collage project.

          A woman walked in, her hair tied up into a messy bun. She had brunette hair and green eyes. Her jacket was similar to a lab jacket, but was more formal like a white suit. She walked in, wide eyed at the sight of Ennard, chained up like he was something on display.

"Hello! I'm Susan, pleasure to meet you." Susan put out a hand to shake, laughing when she realized Ennard couldn't actually move. "You must be the main attraction, hm? Interesting.."

          Ennard stared at her, the white lights in his eyes dimming. He tried to move as little as possible, the chains weaved into the wires that made up his body.

"You would really just leave your friend like that? Cool trick I must say, too bad Henry ratted you out."

"H-he's-s no-t-t my f-ri-end." Ennard said, keeping his head hanging.

"So it speaks," Susan smiled.

          She pulled out a small speaker, placing it on the table. She connected a wire from the little sound box to the larger speaker, hovering over the switch. Ennard looked up, trying to not have a reaction.

"I hear you have a name, Ennard. Odd."

"Wh-at-t's th-at s-suppos-ed to m-mean?" Ennard asked, narrowing his robotic eyes.

"Well, William seemed fond of you. What happened?" Susan smiled, tilting the switch more and more. She found joy in taunting the animatronic.


"Hm," She grabbed the box, turning up the volume to the speaker. The sound didn't play since she hadn't fully flicked the switch, but she was planning on doing so. "I heard this does something to you, I'd love to see."

"Wh-at-t i-is ever-yone-'s ob-sessio-on w-with tor-turin-g me?" Ennard asked, sounding more and more defeated.

"It's simply experimentation." Susan flicked the switch on the box, the loud sound echoing off every wall.

          Ennard cried out, a loud screeching sound as he tried to pull away. The chains in his arms tore at his wires, sparking as they ripped and became exposed. Ennard's face plates opened, revealing the inside of his mask. A recognizable structure seen on almost all endoskeletons. His eyes flashed multiple colors, his screaming breaking like a bad connection.

"What a sight to see." Susan said, walking closer and leaving the speaker on.

          Ennard continued to jolt and pull away until eventually he pulled so hard that the wires that made up his right arm snapped. He hung half loose as he'd ripped his own arm off trying to stop the noise. Susan rushed to turn off the speaker.

"NO NO NO NO!" She yelled, turning off the speaker. Ennard hung limp, the lights in his eyes still flickering. "Why would you do that!? You just hindered my research!"

          The robot stayed staring at the ground, sparking from where he'd ripped the arm off. The chains pulled tight with the uneven weight. The wires that formed his chest loosened ever so slightly, giving Susan the smallest glimpse at his chip.

"Your chip." She said, reaching out for it cautiously.

          Ennard shut the wires tight, blocking her hand from getting through.

"D-don-'t t-ouch-h th-at." Ennard said, his voice sounding worse and more glitchy.

"That chip is what keeps you 'alive', isn't it? Protecting it instead of donating to science? How pathetic," She walked over to the speaker, flicking on the sound box.

           She knew Ennard would give in and if not, she could simply do this all day.

"Don't be scared, let me take the chip." She said, laughing at Ennard's struggling cries.

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