I wish I was like you

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Inuyasha was in the boys bathroom smoking a cigarette. "You better put that away Mr Wong is coming this way. Said Miroku. " I can care less about that. Inuyasha took another puff of his cigarette. Inuyasha had long messy black hair that he would sometimes tie in a ponytail. He wore a red shirt and jean vest over it.with matching jeans. He refused to wear the school uniorm. "Something tells me you don't care if the bell rings or another detention. "Nope Inuyasha said as if he didn't have a care in the world. "Well I'm off to class. Said Miroku. "Ill catch up with you later , Inuyasha called afterwards.  Mr Wong entered the bathroom. He was a short bald man with a stern look on his face. "Inuyasha didn't seem to care. "Smoking in the boy's bathroom again are we? "Well I cant smoke in the girl's bathroom. Inuyasha said as he shrugged. "I'll have to report you to the principal. "Do what you got to do . Inuyasha said as he walked out the bathroom. Mr Wong just shook his head. Inuyasha walked of to class. "Kikyo are you going to the school dance? Asked her friend Kagura. "Oh Kagura dont be so foolish Kikyo isn't like other girls.  She's too busy with school work and she's the school president so she has other duties as well. I doubt she has anytime for a boyfriend. "I wasnt asking you TSubaka! Kagura snapped. TSubaki just folded her arms and stuck her toung out at Kagura. Ill see you later when you're not surrounded by trash! TSubaki stormed off and bumped into Inuyasha causing him to fall. Instead of apologizing TSubaki just shook herself off. "Watch it loser! She snapped. Everyone was laughing the hallway except Kagura and Kikyo.  "TSubaki as vice president thats no way to treat yoyr fellow students and everyone get to class! Kikyo demanded. Everyone did as she said. "Are you okay? Kikyo question Inuyasha helping him up. Inuyasha notice Kikyo for the first time as he looked into her beautiful brown eyes that somehow had a sadness about them. "Um thank you but I could of handled her myself.  Inuyasha said blushing. " Well she's the vice president of this school and should treat everyone with respect actually everyone should just respect each other. "I'm sorry about TSubak ill have  a talk to her. "Dont worry about her she's who she is at the end of the day you zre not responsible for her actions just because you're the school president.  Inuyasha and Kikyo just smiled at each other. "I guess ill see you around. Said Inuyasha Kikyo just waved bye. " Looks like someone eas flirting. Kagura joked. "If you got with Inuyasha then I could get a chance of being qith his sexy brother Seshomaru.  "Inuyasha  is his name? "Yup. Kagura said sitting down to take her seat next to Kikyo. "How come I never noticed him before.  "Well you're busy 247 you hardly notice any guy.  "You're right I never have time for anything not even myself. Kikyo looked down at her desk saldy. "Oh Kikyo dont feel bad. You're just an independent woman like wonder woman. Kikyo smiled at her friend Kagura to reassure her thay she was fine but deep down inside TSubaki's words rised in her head. "Kikyo never have time for guys. "Kikyo isnt a normal girl.
Hours passed and Kikyo did some work around school. Since the school council meeting was canceled teachers had help from Kikyo and TSubaki. Kikyo just ignored TSubaki. "Hey Kikyo may you please take these papers to detention?  The principal asked. "I'm on it. "Kikyo you are so perfect I wish more students can be like you. Kikyo just smile and nodded to the principal as she headed to detention. "I wish I was more like the other students.  Kikyo thought to herself. Kikyo walked to detention where she spotted Inuyasha. Inuyasha was slouching but when he sees Kikyo he shoots up sitting in his chair . "Wow someone has a crush. Koga teases. "Dont even bother a girl like that hardly has time for herself. Said Koga. Kikyo smiled at Inuyasha as she left. Inuyasha smiled back. After detention was over Kikyo was spotted at a nearby bus stop. "Hey what are you doing here? He noticed she was still in her school uniorm. TSubaki had planned a meeting with out me knowing and I ended up stay after cleaning behind the team. I dont understand how you're even friends with that wench. Kikyo sighs. " After today I honestly dont think we are friends anymore. "You dont need someone who is mean like that anyways. You're so kind and nice. Before today I thought you was just this perfect girl who looked down on others. Kikyo giggles. "Judging a book by it's cover I see.  "Well I apologize. Inuyasha said looking away.  "I wish I was more like you Inuyasha. "Me? Why me? Inuyasha said surprisingly. "You know I smoke right? "So I heard but maybe I want to smoke, maybe I want to sit back without a care in the world. "You Inuyasha arw more than a lazy . "As much as I'm kinda happy to be around a girl who wont judge me I wouldn't want you to taint your pretty lungs with cigarette smoke. "I want to be like you Kikyo someone qho is respected and take more time in my apperance or maybe get my grades up. "I tell you what how bout I help you study if you help me let loose. "Okay Inuyasha said we can start this weekend.  Inuyasha and Kikyo shook hands and got to know more qbout each other as thay sat on the bus together

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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